American Activism Abroad American Imperialism American Activism Abroad
American Imperialism America’s unique development rooted in the frontier past Manifest Destiny Reaching Pacific meant looking overseas for “frontier”
Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Seapower upon History Seapower essential to national greatness Britain a prime example McKinley & Roosevelt Expand overseas – bases for navy – protect Commerce
Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet B. “The Great White Fleet”-To show American naval power, President Roosevelt sent 16 battleships on a cruise around the world. This display was intended to impress the Japanese and other nations.
The Splendid Little War: 1898 The Splendid Little War: 1898 Spanish-American War over in 4 months Yellow journalism – “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” Hearst U.S.S. Maine Rough Riders
American self image
Protectorate One State controlling or protecting another
U.S. Intervention in Latin America Green = protectorate Blue = occupation
III. The Fruits of Imperialism Philippine Conflict William Howard Taft was the civilian governor from 1901-1904 Emilio Aguinaldo led a group of Filipino rebels in a guerrilla war against their American rulers to gain their true independence. Conflict continued periodically until the Philippines became an independent republic in 1946.
U.S. Gains
Acquisition of Hawaii Hawaiian League – 400 members, mostly American businessmen Coup led by American sugar farmers in Hawaii 1893 Bloodless coup – Queen steps down (American Troops) 1898 U.S. annexed Sanford Dole Queen Lili’uokalani
John Hay & the Open Door Policy 1899 All nations to be allowed access to Chinese market All nations were to have equal trading rights Europeans had already carved up China
Open Door – Asia: 400,000,000 potential consumers in China alone
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama
Acquiring the rights Roosevelt & Panamanian business interests conspire Colombians bribed to lay down weapons 1903 Panamanian revolt U.S. cruiser right off shore Hay-Buneau-Varilla treaty 10 million to Panamanians – 10 mile swath renewable 99 year lease French precede Americans – lose money & lives Americans acquire rights for 40 million Start negotiating with Colombia Offered 10 mil. Cash and ¼ million annually Colombia wanted more
U.S. Intervention in Latin America Green = protectorate Blue = occupation
III. The Fruits of Imperialism Uncle Sam swelling from all the additions
III. The Fruits of Imperialism Uncle Sam swelling from all the additions