Advanced Placement Language & Composition Portable Land Mr. Wright
What is Advanced Placement? History – “Two halves of a common enterprise” Freshmen college course in high school Standardized exam which allows high school students to earn college credit
A.P. Exam Wednesday, May 10th, 7:15 – 11:45 AM $15 deposit per exam is due in March $Total TBD -- due before exam $5-15 reduced fee (free/reduced lunch benefits) Scores are reported during summer
A.P. Exam Multiple Choice Free response 4-5 passages 55+ multiple choice questions 60 minutes Free response Mini-research essay Style analysis Open-ended argumentation
A.P. Scores – What They Mean 5 4 3 Freshmen college level 2 High school level 1
Earning an “A” or a “B” in A.P. Lang. Read actively, and reread Rewrite/revise essays Stay current with work Attend class Participate in class discussions
Grades Department late work policy Communication of grades Skyward / Family Access Phone calls under 80% Email progress reports 8 progress reports mailed home November-parent/teacher conferences Email/call me!
Contact Me! Email – through my teacher website Call – we have a message system Homework: Posted on my website at Homework text reminders, text… @e3981 to (253) 693-2857
TESTING October: PSAT (October 19) Free SAT @ ARHS in April June SAT (Saturday) SAT Prep ARHS prep classes Online question of the day
Starting the College Search Junior year – 8-10 possible schools Senior year – 3-4 school choices Discuss criteria Use the College Board website Career Center visits (events page) National College Fair: November 2-3
DATES October 21-22: College Fair October 19: PSAT (free) October 31: Tacoma College Fair Career Center Dates / College Visits January 18: Planning for College @ AHS, 6-8 PM November 16: Paying for College/FAFSA, AHS 6-8 PM February 5th: Greater Auburn Career Fair, AHS, 6-8 PM February 2nd: $13 AP deposits due April 2: Free SAT for juniors Log into Go to tutoring / Log into Tutoring 2-11 PM, or drop off writing
Get Involved! Sports Activities Out-of-school activities Volunteer Pick a few things and do them well.