Ecological Data Collection Summer Internship at SDI


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Presentation transcript:

Ecological Data Collection Summer Internship at SDI Check out “sophiscated” measure device used for height class Brandon propped up by BA stick Don’t know who Dean looking at/ y he blured? Running? Deer Browse Study at MTE, in Partnership with SDI. Interns: Adam Schulz & Brandon Boyd Mentors: SDI- Dean Fellman MTE-Tony Waupochick

Canopy Gap Study 2016: Studying the Effect of Deer Browse History: Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE), has been putting canopy gaps in its hardwood forests since the early 1990’s. Introduction: MTE decided to conduct a study on the viability of continuing their canopy gap program. This decision is based in part on a canopy gap study by Prof. Dr. Manfred Schoelch. MTE has devised a plan to test for Whitetailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browse effect on the regeneration of desired tree species (Mainly Sugar Maple(Acer saccharum)) in hardwood forests. *1990’s to improve forest regeneration in northern hardwood stands. In 2014-2015, MTE worked with the USFS and a visiting researcher from Germany to research the effects it was having on the forest 256 gaps in forest *They asked The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) to partner with this study. SDI provided interns to help construct the plots and record the base year data to compare with annual data recordings in coming years Here is our year one data. *of, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences in Freising, Germany. *His study showed that in the Menominee forest at least, there was minimal difference in sapling growth from a gapped area to the surrounding forest matrix

Getting Started: Gathering Supplies *Post’s and post driver- 6 posts per exclosure plot Fence-37.1 ft circ. lengths=5.9ft radius *Compass- don’t get lost *pipe- mark center of open plots to find at later date *Basal Area Stick (BA) *Densotometer- canopy density measurement *safety, data recording, & misc eq.

Selecting an Area for Plot Site Northern Hardwood Habitat Logged within past two years Will not be logged again for 15 years Plot location *richer soil type, off border, same deer pop. *placed in the same geographical area on the Reservation ( South West of Neopit) *Mechanical gap was installed in last harvest *256 install gaps. 15 we studying

Selecting Sites for Paired Plots Pick out optimal site Location Sugar Maple Evidence of deer browse Waterways *Pick out a forested plot site adjacent to gap site *for paired plots in an established gap * Paired plots set up on East to West orientation * Plots not in the center of a gap *Plots should be erected on even terrain *Area at least 100ft off roadways *should be present in all plot sites if possible * should be present on or near all plot sites * avoid, cultural value

Recording Tree Species 802-White Oak (Quercus alba) 318-Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) 951-Basswood (Tilia Americana ) *spec ID &cnt. *browse/stump grwt. 541-White Ash (Fraxinus Americana) 972-Soft Elm (Ulmus Americana)

Plot Setup *find & paint/post center *Ribbon mark permiter *Drive posts *Unroll/connect fence *Hang sign *photo opp

Comparing the gathered data VS. Forest browse Data Gap browse data

Other Experience Gained Through Internship Learning outcomes Data collection methods Cultural site identification White Pine seedling regeneration/pruning Timber Harvest selecting Invasive species training *They seem to browse on plant life and tree regen in an opportunistic way. The vegetation was hardier in gap areas, possibly due to more Sun nutrients, then in forested region. Deer effect on regeneration cannot be determined in one year, further data collection is needed for a conclusion.

Green Bay

Acknowledgements Thank you to SDI & MTE. Special thanks to our mentors, Dean Fellman & Tony Waupochick & SDI director Chris Caldwell & MTE manager Marshall Pecore & Christel Kern researcher with USFS. To Paul Crocker, Joe Phillippi, Dave Mausel, Jeff Grignon, & Angela Marsh thank you for sharing your knowledge of forestry and forest health with us. And thank you to all the various crews we worked with who taught us the various tools of forest management. From Adam & Brandon