CISPLATIN ON SILICA SBA-15 TYPE FOR THE TREATMENT OF GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME CQ/DTIC 30 mg/53 mg López Tessy1,2,4, Guevara Patricia3, Sánchez Itzel2, Bustos Jaime1 and Odriozola J5. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco1 Laboratorio de Nanotecnología2 y Unidad de Neuroinmunología3 , Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, México, Dept of Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans U.S.A4., Departamento de Química Inorgánica e Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Sevilla5 CONTROL INTRODUCTION RESULTS A B C D Figure 1. Chemical-Physical properties of SBA15 and CisPt/SBA15. (a) FTIR spectrum in diffuse reflectance mode, (B) Low angle XR Diffractogram, (C) Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) curve and (D) N2 adsorptin-desorption isotherms. A Glioblastoma is a type of a primary brain tumor. Primary brain tumors are those that arise from the brain itself rather than traveling or metastasizing from another location in the body. Approximately 17,000 new cases of primary brain tumors are treated each year in the world. Cisplatin is one of the most active antitumor agents in clinical use today and is used for GBM tumor treatment. Cisplatin mainly targets DNA by binding to N7 of adjacent pureness. The resultant understand adducts are thought to be the lesions that are responsible for cell death, but the mechanism of action is not entirely understood. SBA15 Volume (g) BET-Surface Area [m2/g] 885 Pore Diameter Size (Å) 4.0 Volume Pore (cc) 0.8 Table 1. Textural data for SBA15 samples Cisplatin possesses antitumor activity because the two chloride ions when moving slowly for the cellular water, it generates a compound with positive charge. This activated compound can be react with the nucleophylic groups of DNA to form bifunctional covalent connections similar to the alkylation reactions. These assumptions suggest that other platinum complex can have antitumoral activity. Figure 2. (I) and (II) SEM Micrographs. (III)-(VI)TEM images of SBA15. u OBJETIVE To evaluate the anti-tumoral effect of SBA-15 nanoparticles, cisplatin and cisplatin-SBA-15, in the glioma C6 model in rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS Group Volume (g) Control 73.6 + 8.1 SBA-15 52.7 + 9.5 Cisplatin/SBA-15 61.6 + 8.2 Group Volume (g) Control 47.2 7.2 Pt(NH3)4Cl2 35.6 8.5 TiO2 26.7 4.9 TiO2-Pt 20.94.9 In malignant gliomas, rat C6 glioma model is widely used to evaluate the effects of novel therapies. (1) (4) (3) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Table 2. Preliminary results of the administration of nanoparticles showed a decrease in tumor size in the diferent group treated. Table 3. Effect of the platum tetramine-TiO2 platinum over the toumoral reduction. [T. Lopez et al. Acta Biomaterialia (2008) In preens]. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES Our preliminary results indicated that SBA-15 and cisplatinun-SBA-15, could have a potential therapeutic effect in glioblastoma treatment, with higher activity and less toxicity. To get the effective dosis of SBA-15-Pt to combine the potential of SBA-15 as a vehicle nanoparticle and platinum like a quimiotherapeutic agent in regard to reduce the toxic effect of platinun. Histopathological evaluation in the dissected tumors of the four experimental groups, to obtain histological information of this process. (1)Winstar rats were used for this experiment (2) Inoculation of C6 cells (3)Appropriate tumor size approximately of 2cm (2 weeks) (4) Classification rats in four different groups (5) CisPt, SBA15 naoparticles, CisPt/SBA15 nanoparticles application (6) Effect of the different compound in the tumor rat during 21 days (7) rat scarification ( 8) and (9)Tumor extraction (10) Volume determination by displacement method. All experiments were performed with the approval of Animal Care and Use Committee of the Institute.