French Celebrations By Cassandra and Marion
Mardi gras (Shrove tuesday) Shrove tuesday is a day in February or March which is celebrated in many countries by consuming pancakes. In France some children dress up. The term Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer.
Pâques (Easter) Easter is a festival and holiday celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In France at Easter, we buy chocolate and we hide in the house or in the garden. After children search this chocolate and they try to have as much as possible.
Lucky charm and bad luck. - Find a four leaf clover. - Touch wood while expressing a wish. - Walk into a dog mess with your left foot. Bad luck : - Walk under ladders. - Number 13. - Open an umbrella in a house. - Break a mirror.
Epiphanie (Epiphany) Epiphanie it's a day on January, the first sunday or the 6th January. We eat french king cake and inside there is an object, a bean. The person which finds this bean is like the « king » and we give him a crown. It's the wise kings (Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar).