Lecture on Chrysomya bezziana OWS in Iraq Dr.Raad Hammodi Hasson
Introduction: Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve ,1914, (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is the most important fly, exists as an obligate ectoparasite in the animals, and human . Importance : Public health myiasis infestation : 22 cases recorded in human in Iraq till 2007 (Muntasir etal.2014.) Iranian authors Ahmadi et al. (2009) & Faramarzi et al. (2009) recorded 4case of the human oral and wound myiasis
OWS Epidemiology in Iraq About 130000 animals myiasis cases recorded during the 14 years of study from September 1996 to September 2010 included all province of Iraq; table (1) Muntasir etal.2014. First case recorded in Iraq at 1996 in Altagi village in Baghdad by (Abdul Rassoul et al. 1996) ,confirmed by British natural museum. In a survey of myiasis in Iraq which was carried out since the first case was reported on 9th. Sept. 1996 till 30th. Dec. 1997, a total of 54704 cases were recorded, of these 20.3 % occurred in Baghdad governorate, 24.4 % occurred in Karbala governorate, 34.1 % occurred in Babylon governorate, and 21.2 % occurred in the other ten governorates . (Al-Taweel etal. 1998.) The highest number of infestation by OWS have been at September –December in Basra south of Iraq at 2004-2006 table(2) (Al-Helfi,M. (2008).
Table (1): Show the date of recording the infestation in all governorate Ninawa& Karkuk which dose not suffer from infection until day. (Al-Taweel etal. 1998 ; Muntasir etal.2014.. Date of infection Name of governorate No. 9 1996 Baghdad 1 12 Diyala 2 17 Karbala 3 23 Babel 4 25 Wasit 5 29 Diwania 6 14 10 Anbar 7 27 Najaf 8 1997 Salah aldeen Muthana 11 Di Qar 20 Missan Basra 13
Table (2): Represent the Number of Chrysomya bezziana infection from the beginning in 1996 until 2010 in all governorate 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 2000 99 98 97 1996 Governorate 4 3 1 139 2646 7527 1412 9488 1641 Baghdad 5 2 108 88 303 3408 132 953 1550 Diyala 383 36 33 3067 5945 2835 1822 2535 Karbala 921 9 137 1454 18101 549 Babel 59 2124 404 2147 35 Qadisyia 693 8936 1929 3056 318 Najaf 419 5735 588 1863 11 Anbar 339 654 245 871 119 Wasit 56 77 463 Muthana 22 146 37 30 Salahdin 6 257 148 Thiqar Missan 1465 406 515 17 18 Basra Ninawa 12 1866 414 675 122 143 8471 43952 10425 47946 6758 Total
The southern region still considered as a threaten loci due to the ongoing complain from animals infestations as e.g. more than 100 dogs recorded victims in Basra due to infestation with C. bezziana which may also form source for proliferation of chrysomya bezziana fly at the area (Al- helfi. 2008) . Immediate notification of (OIE) ;Date of start of the event 08/05/2013 on cases of OWS in Rabia, NINAWA . .
(Al-helfi,M.AM,(2008) Why Basrah Small river and green village surrounded of Basra area take good environment for OWS proliferation & spread widely in south of Iraq As well as the near border of Basra with Al-Muhammara province at Iran which had heavy infestation with OWS. FMD & tick above animals helped OWS fly to speared among animals widely in Basra Table (2). Accumulation of sheep at Basra for export to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait with surrounded by silk wall lead to injuries and then myiasis occur with mild temperature and humidity in farm take place of fly to live there.
In 2005, a group of researchers (A. Siddig et al In 2005, a group of researchers (A. Siddig et al. 2005) produced a risk map for OWS distribution in Iraq using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to survey cattle populations, vegetation, watercourse and geographic features of the region. Interestingly, unlike expected, this group of researchers found that the distribution of C. bezziana was not correlated to cattle distribution. Rather, the distribution of OWS was found to be of high correlation to the amount vegetation. Adult flies favor areas with vegetation to protect them from high temperatures and solar radiation.
OWS fly biology With high number of myiasis cases and biological study improved that OWS fly can resistant high temperature 60C and lower temperature zero (0-60 C). Average (30C) ;The author (5 ) showed that the efficacy of incidence of OWS stopped at 40C and below of 10C. (Raad.H.H. 1999 ; Al-taweel etal.2000). The examination of serotype of OWS fly in Iraq Basra by British natural museum show that its similar to that which lived in Africa and Asia and gulf and some of its like in new genus (Hall etal. 2002.) Cladistic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences gave strong support for recognizing two races of Old World screwworm, one from sub- Saharan Africa and the other from the Gulf region and Asia. This latter race could be further divided into two lineages, i.e. one from mainland Asia (from Iraq to the Malay Peninsula) and the other from two islands of PNG. Halletal.2001 . Old world screw worm fly taxonomy now as B of risk disease as OIE diagnosis (World Organisation for Animal Health ) Female screwworms are capable of traveling long distances of up to 20km, or 12.5 miles, to find a suitable environment and a suitable host to lay their eggs (the host is, basically, ALL warm-blooded)
The females laid eggs in batches on wounds and sexual opening, each batch contains 70 to 130 eggs , the newly hatched larvae feeds inside the living flesh tissue of the host. Laboratory colony was raised from several collections of egg masses from infested animals, insect larvae reared on fresh ground beef meat under laboratory conditions of temperature, humidity and light. Adults maintained under 27°C and fed on diet of honey, sugar, water and ground beef meat for one week, then clotted blood was introduced for egg laying. Egg hatched within 24 hours at 37°C. The% of hatching 71-88% The average weight of larvae, pupae and adults was 53.6,40.6 and 28.9 mg, respectively. (Al-Izzi1 etal.1998 ; Raad.H.H. 1999 )
Eradication &Treatment used of new method to eradicate OWS fly successful with good result to eliminate its from south of Iraq by used spraying all farm and animals with chemical substance as well as used ivermectin injection for all animals in all farm S/C as prevention uses from farmer and veterinary team in study that made OWS fly decreased to zero at 2008-2009-2010 (Al-helfi 2008). Surgical removal of larvae
26/3/2014 http://vetmed.uodiyala.edu.iq/
Sterile male flies are released repeatedly in endemic areas to mate with wild female flies which results in producing unfertilized eggs. Therefore, fewer flies are coming to be. This method was successful in the United States in the 1960s, though sometimes infected animals make their way into the country, and has since moved on to other countries (Reem Sharhan. 2013).
Relative performance of surveys for the Old World screwworm fly,Chrysomya bezziana, in Iraq based on fly trapping and myiasis monitoring A.A. Al-Taweela, R.A. Okailya, K.S. Salmana, F.A. Al-Temimia, B.N. Al-Adhadhb, B.S. Hamada, R. Urech .Acta tropica 2014
The LuciTrap caught more flies of all other species than the sticky trap during this comparison (Altawil etal.2014. ) sticky trap/Swormlure LuciTrap Trapping blowflies The trap consists of a translucent UV-stabilised plastic bucket and a removable flat, yellow lid with entrance cones that allow the sheep blowflies to enter but not leave. (http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au)
References: A. Siddig et al. 2005.Seasonality of Old World screwworm myiasis in the Mesopotamia valley in Iraq. Medical and veterinary entomology e 19(2): 140-150.) A.A. Al-Taweela, R.A. Okailya, K.S. Salmana, F.A. Al-Temimia, B.N. Al-Adhadhb, B.S. Hamada, R. Urech .2014.Relative performance of surveys for the Old World screwworm fly,Chrysomya bezziana, in Iraq based on fly trapping and myiasis monitoring.Acta tropica 2014 Abdul Rassoul et al. 1996 Ahmadi et al. (2009) Al-Helfi,M. (2001). Taxonimcal classification environmental study to medical insect Diptera which caused myiasis and signal to its treatment. MSC.thesis basra university ,science collage 2001.). Al-helfi, M.AM,(2008).Epidemiology study of Chrysomya bezziana Larvea in buffaloes in Basra province south of Iraq .Mesopotamica Marine Journal.(special number) Al-taweel,a.; Alizzi,M.&Jassim,I.A.(2000. Incidence of old world screw worm fly chrysomya bezziana in Iraq. Ed.K.H. tan.penerbit University. Malysia. ;101-105.). Ayad A. Al-Taweel; Mohammed A. J. Al-Izzi and Fadhil A. Jassim, INCIDENCE OF OLD WORLD SCREW WORM FLY, CHRYSOMYA BEZZIANA IN IRAQ.FAO/IAEA Int. Conf. on Area-Wide.Control of Insect Pests,Penang, May 28 to June 2, 1998. B-VIII Faramarzi et al. (2009) Hall,M.J.R., W.Edge, J.M.Testa, Z.J.O,Adms and P.D. Ready(2002). Old world screw worm fly chrysomya bezziana, occurs as true geographical rares. Med. Vet.Entomol.Vol. 15 issue 4-P-393-402. Halletal.2001 .Old World screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana, occurs as two geographical races. Medical and veterinary entomology 15:4 200 Mohammed AJ. Al-Izzi1, Ayad A. Al-Taweel1 and Fadhil A. Jassim. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND REARING OF OLD WORLD SCREWWORM, CHRYSOMYA BEZZIANA m IRAQ.FAO/IAEA Int. Conf. on Area-Wide B-14 .Control of Insect Pests,Penang, May 28 to June 2,1998. Muntasir etal.2014 Muntasir Al-Ani **Mushtaq Al-Helfi **Khawla bedan Al-Jassim THE LAST POSITION OF OLD WORLD SCREW WORM IN IRAQ .Bas.J.Vet.Res.Vol.1,No.1.2014 Reem Sharhan. 2013. Old World Screwworm Reported in Iraq. The Disease Daily. http://healthmap.org/site/diseasedaily/article/old-world-screwworm-reported-iraq-6513 Raad.H.H. .1999. A study in epidemiology & biology of Screw worm fly Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve 1914.(Diptera:Calliphoridae) in Baghdad area. University of Baghdad ,College of Vet.Med. ,Iraq,
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