Virtual Enterprise Thank you for allowing us to work with your child! Welcome to Open House! Virtual Enterprise Thank you for allowing us to work with your child!
Contact Information Kristie Burch 267-3614 Casey Sanderson 267-3673
General Overview September-October Business opens in November Run your own business September-October Organizational activities Business plan, catalog, team building, web site, competition, research, etc. Business opens in November Advertising and promotions, accounting, day-to-day operations, market research and analysis, human resources, trade show preparation
What is the teacher role? Board of Directors Facilitator Mentor Disciplinarian if I have to be Advisor Cheerleader Consultant—widespread authority Evaluator
Important Dates September 15—Camp Arrowhead permission slip and money due September 29-Camp Arrowhead December-Northeast regional show April-Nyc trade show (pending approval and interest level)
MCC Dual Credit Bus-110 3 credits, Appx. $200-$250 September registration will take place during class If you/your student decide not to pursue this optional credit opportunity, simply do not pay the bill and you will be withdrawn from the college credit portion of the course
Opportunities for Involvement Mentoring Donations Guest speakers Business consulting Items related to the business for our trade show booth Corporate sponsorship
Other Business Courses There is a list of all other business courses on the back of the information sheet you received. Marketing
Leadership development Seminar (LDS) Cooperative Work Experience LDS a pre-requisite for Co-Op and Internships *Meet 1x per week during lunch *Pass/fail Co-Op Credit for Working! 1 Unit for 300 Hours 1/2 Unit for 150 Hours Job Success Through Mentoring
DECA A student organization exclusively for those involved with Business classes Recognized internationally Competitions help build their leadership, social & academic skills The Business Dynamics students can join our DECA organization. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to work with upperclassmen on projects that will be presented at the regional, state and national level. Our students have done very well with these competitions in past years—it is so exciting to win!!