GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition I’m Miss Walsh The aims of this session are to gain understanding of the course in food that your child is studying. A brief course outline What you can do to help your child Resources that are available Answering exam questions Standard of work expected to achieve the top grades
Subject Content – What is covered? Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics: 1. Food, nutrition and health – Macro Nutrients, Micro Nutrients, Nutritional Needs and Health. 2. Food science – Cooking of food, Heat Transfer and the Functional and Chemical Properties of Food. 3. Food safety – Food Spoilage, Contamination and the Principles of Food Safety. 4. Food choice – Factors affecting Food Choice, British and International Cuisines, Sensory Evaluation, Food Labelling and Marketing 5. Food provenance – Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Food, Food Processing and Production.
Assessment NON- EXAM ASSESSMENT (NEA): Task 1: Food investigation (15%) Written Report Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Students will submit a written report (1,500– 2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation. NON- EXAM ASSESSMENT (NEA): Task 2: Food preparation assessment (35%) Written Portfolio Students' knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved. Students will submit a written portfolio (15 A4 pages) including photographic evidence. EXAM: Paper 1: Food preparation and nutrition (50%) Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes The paper will be made up of 20 multiple choice questions worth 20 Marks. 5 questions each with a number of sub questions worth 80 marks.
Textbook Resources Available Available in school. All students have username and password to access digitally when connected to the internet. Website www.illuminate.digital/aqafood Student Username: SCAROLINE3 Student Password: STUDENT3 Textbook Resources Available Advisable for Year 10. Essential for Year 11 AQA approved alternative revision guides Used in Year 11 for weekly tests alongside the specification.
Very useful websites http://www.aqa.org.uk/resources /food/gcse/food-preparation-and- nutrition/teach/subject-specific- vocabulary Subject Specific vocabulary Love Food Love Science videos on You tube. www.foodafactoflife.org.uk www.nutrition.org.uk www.change4life.org.uk www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/food/gcse/ food-preparation-and-nutrition-8585 - The specification and exemplar assessment materials. http://www.aqa.org.uk/resources/fo od/gcse/food-preparation-and- nutrition/teach/command-words - Command Words used in exams.
Allow your child to cook at home – cook with them ! S1 – General practical skills S2 – Knife skills S3 – Preparing fruit and vegetables S4 – Use of the cooker S5 – Use of electrical equipment S6 – Cooking methods S7 – Prepare, combine and shape S8 – Sauce making S9 – Tenderise and marinate S10 – Dough S11 – Raising agents S12 – Setting mixtures
Grade 8 1.1 To achieve grade 8 candidates will be able to: demonstrate relevant and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles and properties of food science, cooking and nutrition safely and effectively apply precise and sophisticated technical skills when using a wide range of equipment and ingredients to plan, prepare and present complex dishes critically analyse and evaluate, to draw well-evidenced conclusions: issues relating to food choices, provenance and production food made by themselves and others
Grade 5 2.1 To achieve grade 5 candidates will be able to: demonstrate mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles and properties of food science, cooking and nutrition safely and effectively apply competent technical skills to a range of equipment and ingredients to plan, prepare and present dishes with some degree of complexity analyse and evaluate, to draw coherent conclusions : issues relating to food choices, provenance and production food made by themselves and others
Grade 2 3.1 To achieve grade 2 candidates will be able to: demonstrate some relevant knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles and properties of food science, cooking and nutrition safely apply limited skills to some equipment and ingredients to plan, prepare and present simple dishes make straightforward and obvious comments on: issues relating to food choices, provenance and production food made by themselves and others