The German Invasion of Poland
The Road to War April 3, 1939- Hitler issues directive for attack on Poland Called Case White Hitler plans a fake attack to start the war
The Road To War Hitler wanted Germany to appear as an innocent victim of Polish aggression He took a prisoner from a concentration camp, dressed him in a Polish uniform, taken to town of Gleiwitz, and shot on Aug. 31, 1939 by the Gestapo in a bizarre faked “Polish attack” on the local radio station.
The Polish Invasion Sept. 1, 1939- Hitler invades Poland 56 German troops divides all across the 1,250 mile frontier This spreads Polish forces very thin Hitler as told to withdraw by Sept. 3 or face war Sept. 3, 11:15 a.m. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announces on national radio they were at war with Germany
The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg Germans introduced something new in the history of warfare- the blitzkrieg Lightning war Based on two key weapons Tank and airplane German Luftwaffe (air force) destroyed Polish air force while most of it is on the ground
The Blitzkrieg Luftwaffe bombed bridges, roads, railways, and radio stations, and concentrated Polish troops
The Blitzkrieg Once the Polish Air Force was annihilated, German tanks were to roll in Tanks destroyed: roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, telegraph stations, and airfields
The Blitzkrieg Poland try to stop the Nazi with their Calvary This will marks the end of the era of Calvary
The Blitzkrieg After the tanks they sent in armored cars and motorcycle troops
The Blitzkrieg Finally foot soldiers or infantry were sent in Watch historical footage of the invasion of Poland.
The Blitzkrieg Whole villages were burned to the ground and the ‘rules of war’ were ignored by Germany Hear personal stories of the invasion of Poland
The Defeat of Poland 1.5 million Polish people were transported to labor camps Any captured Polish officers were shot at secret forest sites Poland remained under German occupation until January, 1945
The Defeat of Poland Germans herded Polish Jews into ghettos They were starved and then usually sent to the gas chambers They built 2,000 concentration camps in Poland