World Studies Population
Population Growth As technology has advanced the population of the world has greatly increased. Birthrate This is the number of live births per thousand population. (In Niger 54/1000, in Latvia 8/1000) Fertility rate This shows the average number of children a woman of childbearing years would have in her lifetime.
Population Growth Mortality rate Infant mortality rate This is the number of deaths per thousand people. Infant mortality rate This shows the number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live births. Rate of natural increase Subtract mortality rate from the birthrate.
Distribution Almost 2/3rds of people live between 20 degrees north and 60 degrees north latitude. More than 50% people either live in east Asia or South Asia. Majority of people live in rural areas, but many people are now moving to urban areas. (video)
Immigration Migration is the movement of people from one place to another Migration can occur as result of push and pull factors
Push and Pull Factors Push Factors Pull Factors These are causes that force people to leave their homeland and migrate to another region. Natural disasters, war, and famine are examples Pull Factors These are factors that draw or attract people to a location. Jobs, availability of food, and safety are examples
Population Density Population density Carrying capacity This is the average number of people who live in a measurable area, such as a square mile. Carrying capacity This is the number of organisms a piece of land can support.