Explain Manifest Destiny and how this belief impacted America Explain Manifest Destiny and how this belief impacted America. Describe Polk’s attitude toward Manifest Destiny and how this attitude influenced America. Define “Oregon fever” and how it resulted in the annexation of Oregon Country. Analyze how the Mexican War, the Mexican Cession, California gold rush & the Compromise of 1850 increased sectional tensions.
Manifest Destiny A belief that the United States had the right to spread across the entire North American continent and that this was intended by God It was obvious that America was meant to spread across the continent because it was on a mission to build a great republican society Encouraged Americans to expand
Texas 1824-1835 Stephen Austin brought Americans to settle in Texas which was owned by the Mexican government Americans promised: to become Catholic & Mexican citizens to not have slaves Texans ignored their promises & rebelled in 1836 Goliad & Alamo disasters caused Texans to unite Texans won at San Jacinto & create Republic of Texas Pres. Jackson would not annex Texas
Oregon Country Oregon, Idaho, Washington, some of Montana & Wyoming, parts of Canada 1818: Great Britain &America agreed to share territory 1837-41 Oregon Trail very popular Large population in Oregon who called to have America own all of Oregon Territory “54-40 or fight”
Election of James K Polk 1845-49 Believed in expanding the country, favored annexing Texas Wanted to grab Oregon too Believed in Manifest Destiny During campaign, Pres. Tyler decided to push for annexation for Texas & succeeded Encouraged by Polk who went on to acquire Oregon Territory at 49th parallel in 1846
Results of Mexican War 1846-48 Wilmot Proviso publicly raised the issue of slavery, increasing sectional tensions Zachary Taylor becomes a hero; many men get military experience for the Civil War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: pay Mexico $15 million for Calif & New Mexico Telegraph, railroad, steamboats, Colt six-shooters
Why would Mexican War contribute to sectional tensions in America?
Compromise of 1850 Problems due to land acquisitions of Mexican Cession from Mexican War Gold Rush in California, 1848 at Sutter’s Mill People from all over world rush to Calif. Feelings of nationalism, racism, nativism President Taylor in office, slave owner How do new territories join the Union, will they be slave or free? Need to keep balance in the senate
Why do we need to keep a balance in the Senate? Let’s look at the power in the Legislature.
Henry Clay to the Rescue Again! Final Compromise of 1850 Admission of California as a free state Territories of Mexican Cession may choose whether or not to have slavery Slavery to remain in Wash, DC until local citizens decide otherwise End of slave trade in Wash, DC Congress promises it won’t interfere with slave trade in the South new Fugitive Slave Act - enforced this time
Why is the Compromise of 1850 so important? Postponed the Civil War for 11 years Realize that the issue of slavery has only been temporarily solved Fugitive slave act enrages more Northerners Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun are dead within 2 years & a new generation try to resolve the issues