HISTOLOGY The study of tissues…
Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue Covers body surfaces Lines hollow organs, body cavities, ducts, glands Features closely packed cells Has a surface exposed to the lumen (Apical surface) Has a surface attached to other tissue (Basement layer)
Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue Is avascular Obtains nutrients via diffusion Has a nerve supply Has a high mitotic rate Diverse in structure and function Overall main f(x) = protection & filtration Cells exist in continuous sheets -Simple = Single layer of cells -Stratified = Multiple layer of cells
Types of Epithelial Tissues Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Simple Squamous Stratified Squamous Stratified Cuboidal Pseudostratified E.T.
Simple Cuboidal E.T.
Simple Cuboidal E.T. “Cubed” Shape Nuclei are round and near the center F(x) = secretion Loc. = Kidneys
Simple Columnar E.T.
Simple Columnar E.T. Cells are longer than they are wide “Column” or rectangular appearance Nuclei are oval shaped F(x) = Absorption due to large surface area Loc. = Stomach, Intestines
Simple Squamous E.T.
Simple Squamous E.T. “Squashed” Appearance Flat & Thin F(x) = Diffusion of gases Loc: = Lungs, Kidneys
Stratified Squamous E.T.
Stratified Squamous E.T. Stratified = multiple layers Top layer is flat!! F(x) = Protection Loc. = Inside of mouth, Epidermis, Vagina
Pseudostratified E.T.
Pseudostratified E.T. Cells have columnar appearance Look as though there is more than one layer Goblet cells embedded within Apical surface lined with cilia
Pseudostratified E.T. (cont’d) F(x) = trap foreign materials F(x) = move sex cells (sperm & egg) Loc. = Upper respiratory tract and Uterus
Transitional E.T.
Transitional E.T. No discernible shape when muscle is contracted Some cells are multinucleate Apical surface may be dome shaped F(x) = Provides elasticity Location = Uterus, Bladder
Connective Tissue Proper (C.T.P.) Most abundant tissue type All connective tissue contains matrix C.T.P. is vascular w/few exceptions Tendons & Ligaments are avascular
Hyaline Cartilage Most common type of cartilage Contains chondrocytes Loc: Ends of bones, Nose, Trachea