Chapter 28 and 29-- LBJ The Great Society
LBJ to Power Where was he from? How did he become President?
Domestic Issues Looked to complete JFK’s initiatives Poverty Education Immigration The Environment Consumer Protection
Legal Issues The Warren Court Reapportionment Rights of the Accused Civil Rights
Civil Rights The Issues: The Leaders: Segregation Education Transportation Grassroots Efforts The Leaders: MLK Rosa Parks Thurgood Marshall Malcolm X
The Organizations NAACP SCLC SNCC Nation of Islam Black Panthers
The Events Montgomery Bus Boycott Brown vs. The Board of Education Little Rock Sit-ins
Events Continued Freedom Rides Birmingham The March on Washington Medgar Evans Selma
The Results of the Violence Civil Rights Acts: 1957 1964 1965 1968
White Response Racial Riots Killing of Malcolm X Killing of MLK Chicago Harlem Watts Killing of Malcolm X Killing of MLK
The Legacy Fair Housing Desegregation Affirmative Action A cult of personality