Lab Practical #1 Review Tim Rogers 2017
Learning Outcome #1 (Module #1) “An ability to program a microcontroller to perform various tasks” Architecture and Programming Model Instruction Set Overview Assembly Control Structures Control Structure Applications Table Lookup Parameter Passing Macros and Structured Programming
“An ability to interface a microcontroller to various devices” Learning Outcome #2 (Module #2) “An ability to interface a microcontroller to various devices” Bus Timing Analysis 9S12C Multiplexed Bus Expansion General-Purpose I/O Ports Buffered I/O Handling Interrupt Handling Buffered, Interrupt-Driven Printer Design Example
Exam Structure
You will be given (and can use throughout the exam) Module 1 and 2 Lecture Summary Notes 9S12C programming guide and reference Specs for SRAM memory Specs for the expanded bus
Bonus Opportunities Draw out the timing diagrams related to multiple choice questions I will go over them and assign bonus based on how complete/competent they are - (1% of total course grade possible)
For Programming Part Look at problems in lab 3 Problem difficulty/length similar Note grading scheme Do not focus all your time on efficiency – functionality first, then efficiency
Stack Creep! Occurs when the stack state is not as expected Demo on problem code…
Reentrancy! Do not use global variables for storing temporary data! If you run out of registers – use the stack But be careful not to get stack creep!
For multiple choice part Pace yourself If you are asked to use ISP level – make sure your part is right May be asked to look at a system that has some ABEL. You will not have to write, fill in any ABEL blanks