II PETER FORETELLS OF FALSE TEACHERS Cards 104-107 II PETER FORETELLS OF II Peter is a very important book for the twenty first century because it deals with the very issues confronting the modern church; laxity of lifestyle based on false doctrine. Some church members in Peter’s time were arguing that the doctrine of the Second Coming had to be reconsidered, “The plain fact is that Christ had not returned yet,” they said, “and he probably won’t” (see 3:4,9). In fact, they suggested that this doctrine may have been invented by the apostles rather than revealed by God (1:16), perhaps to keep Christians in line. The doctrine of the Second Coming was sort of a moral club used to inhibit one’s lifestyle. In contrast, the false teachers were saying that behavior does not matter. Freedom was their catchword, and evidently they felt free FALSE TEACHERS to indulge in sexual immorality, drunkenness, and immoral actions generally. “Not so!” roars Peter in this letter. And it is his “not so” that we need to hear in this day of ungodly lifestyles. We, too, need to remain firmly established within the truth we received from the prophets and from our Lord. We, too, need to be warned against those who would lead people away from the truth. And we, too, need to be reminded (in a passage that is chillingly real in this nuclear age) that the world will one day end when the Lord returns (chapter 3). END OF WORLD
II PETER FORETELLS OF: A. A HEAVEN ON EARTH B. NO ONE WILL TRY TO LEAD YOU WRONG C. FALSE TEACHERS—END OF THE WORLD 1. Second Peter deals with the very issues confronting the modern church? True or False Some church members in Peter’s time were saying that Christ will not return again? True or False We can allow women and children to lead in the worship service of the church? True or False Praise teams are ok in worship? True or False Every member of the church should sing being lead by a man song leader? True or False It is ok for women to get up and preacher during the worship service? True or False We need to remain firmly established within the truths or the Bible which is the word of the Lord? True or False The world will one day end when the Lord returns? True or False 11
EIGHT “CHRISTIAN GRACES” IN II PETER F__________ V__________ K___________ T___________ P___________ G___________ B___________K__________ L___________ Can you tell about a time you have practiced one of the Christian Graces?
UNFAITHFUL CHRISTIANS ARE LIKE THE DOG EATING HIS OWN VOMIT If one who has been converted is enticed back again into his sins his state is worse than before. That this is possible is taught in many places. To other sins there is then added the sin of rejecting the way of righteousness after an experimental knowledge of it. Such a repulsive course can be compared only with the most disgusting habits of unclean animals.
UNFITHFUL CHRISTIANS ARE LIKE A. CLOWNS IN A CIRCUS B. CHICKENS IN A HEN HOUSE C. THE DOG EATING HIS OWN VOMIT If one who has been converted is enticed back again into his sins his state is worse than before? T or F Is it possible to fall into unfaithfulness after being baptized? What is the disgusting habit of dogs that Peter compares our unfaithfulness too? What can you do to safe guard yourself from falling into unfaithfulness? Will you continue to be a faithful church goer and church worker after you grow up and leave home?
ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT THE EARTH WILL BE BURNED UP The works that are to perish in the fire which shall ultimately destroy the earth are those which belong to the earth and are characteristic of it, whether of God or man. Along with its dissolution there will be the burning of all that man has accomplished of a material nature—houses, cities, monuments, etc.—everything to which he has set his hand here. These, along with all God’s material creation, are to be dissolved, consumed in the heat of the mighty catastrophe. The manner in which the Lord will accomplish this not stated, and it is idle to speculate. It is sufficient of us to know that it will occur; the manner in which the Lord purposes to do it remains hidden in the counsel of his own will.
ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT THE EARTH WILL BE A. RAINED ON B. SNOWED ON C. BURNED UP The things that are to perish in the fire are just the animals? True or False The things that are be burned up are small and we can keep what we want? T or F I will be safe if I am in my house? True or False The land and grass and trees will not be burned up? True or False The fire will ultimately destroy the earth all things on it? True or False Do we know the manner in which the Lord plans to do this?