Bentley Project Reel Digitization Bentley Historical Library t Melissa Hernández Durán MAA 2013 June 21, 2013
Selection of Audio Materials 14,312 audio recordings Formats include reels, discs, wire recordings, cylinders, and cassette tapes Selection of recordings that document the history of the state of Michigan and the University of Michigan. 2012 – Selection & Prioritization Two formats across collections Reel-to-reel tapes Cassette tapes Prioritization
Metadata Collection Selection of Audio Materials 834 cassette tapes 1,650 reel-to-reel tapes Selection of reel-to-reel tapes from UARP & MHC Collecting priorities High use Research value limited resources Prioritized 1600 Radio broadcasts, speeches, oral histories, lectures, musical performances, interviews, religious and conference recordings.
Metadata Collection Collect Metadata Project Tracking Work Record Descriptive Technical/ Preservation Metadata Project Tracking Work Record Shipping Date Vendor digitizing Digitization status: in process, completed, shipped, returned To digitize 1,650 tapes we needed to have adequate planning and tracking Collecting metadata Tracking item & project progress Descriptive & technical metadata Recording information about the physical items as well as future digital files and digitization process Provided to vendor Associated /Used for new digital audio files Database developed in Filemaker Keeping it all together
Metadata Collection DB Filemaker Pro Database Fields for descriptive information Technical & preservation metadata Digital files & digitization process DB based on video project db with modifications
Digitization Phase Outsourcing Outsourcing Period of 2 years Number of audio materials Availability of equipment to play cassette and reels Time required Expertise in audio engineering and formats Outsourcing Period of 2 years Digitization Quality control ingest description 4 shipments Tapes selected Metadata collected Preparing rehousing& shipping items In-house vs. outsourcing: Several reasons Number of audio materials Availability of equipment to play cassette and reels Time required Expertise in audio engineering and formats
Digitization Specifications DLPS Digital Library Production Service at University of Michigan’s Library Sound Directions Best Practices on Audio Preservation 2007 Preservation and production files Access File Audio Metadata Requirements Broadcast Wave Format Metadata METS file Notes.txt file Image Files Models for our digitization specifications: DLPS - Digital Library Production Service at University of Michigan’s Library Sound Directions – Best Practices on Audio Preservation – Indiana and Harvard Universities - 2007 Decisions on: Formats Quality Metadata Details outlined in Request for Proposals & contract documents Preservation and production files BWF 96 kHz sampling rate 24-bit sampling size/bit depth Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) Access File MP3 file Variable bitrate
Workflow Selection of tapes Digitization by vendor Metadata collection Pre-digitization activities Selection Metadata Collection Preparing & shipping items rehousing& shipping items Digitization Post-Digitization QC Ingest Description & Access -Workflow does not stop at digitization -Need to manage digital files
Post-digitization Phase Ingest Quality Control Access Workflow Pre-digitization activities Selection Metadata Collection Preparing & shipping items rehousing& shipping items Digitization Post-Digitization QC Ingest Description & Access
Storage & Ingest Files received Files copied onto local storage for processing Processing Directory Automated qc Manual qc Local storage Network Attached Storage (NAS) UM ITS Replicated Value Storage Ingest into institutional repository Storage Solutions Local Off-site replicated Institutional repository Redundancy
Quality Control Files received from vendor meet internal and archival standards 2 stages - automated and manual inspection of files Open Source and internally developed software JHOVE Scripts Database Quality Control automated & manual inspections to ensure that the digital file structure meets the specifications for the project. JHOVE provides functions to perform format-specific identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects.
Automated Validation Bentley Audio File Validator Batch processes files Results can be exported to database Evaluation of: File Structure File Naming Conventions Directory Structure Embedded & external metadata - exists & is well formed Checksums match File Format File Quality Quality Control automated & manual inspections to ensure that the digital file structure meets the specifications for the project. The evaluation includes validation of: File Structure File Naming Conventions Directory Structure Embedded & external metadata - exists & is well formed Checksums match File Format File Quality
Manual Validation DB QC layout File opens & plays - Content exists at the beginning, middle, end Content matches description – check against existing information on recordings Production and access files should have reduced or no distortion, hiss or problems with audio. Notes field on QC process Track issues and communications with vendor
Access Delivering Content to researchers Evaluate Rights & Permissions Copyright status unknown or restricted Technical aspects Storage & delivery mechanisms Restricted to local access through IP address Reading room only Secure workstations No uploading, download, or file sharing Issues Deliver content to researchers? Technical aspect - IT Infrastructure: To store, manage, and provide access Content is copyrighted or copyright cannot be determined Reading room only Secure workstations No uploading, download Blocks access to file sharing Secure web portal Descriptive data for everyone Audio player only in reading room Access restricted to local IP address
Project Challenges & Lessons Learned Storage – big investment Rights status resulting in restrictions to access Importance of communications with vendor & documenting decisions Partnering – ex. Storage with ITS Learning from other institutions’ projects Importance of : Clear determinations& decisions with vendor Communications with vendor & documenting decisions Defined roles & responsibilities Partnering – ex. Storage w ITS Learning from other institutions – audio projects planning
Resources Used FADGI Digitization Activities - Sound Directions - CDP Digital Audio Working Group - Digital Audio Best Practices - MLibrary DLPS Request for Proposals