TN: TEACH AACTE Grant 2017-2018 TN TEACH: The TN EPP Assistive and Collaborative Help Network
What is the purpose? The technical support structure will train and send out lead educators (EPP faculty, K-12 administrators, and lead teachers) to the three regions of Tennessee to provide training on implementation of new TN DOE and CAEP accreditation structures and required reporting, assist in the development of collaborative partnerships for program and regional data collection, and building stronger PK-12/EPP collaborations in preparing TN teachers.
3 Regional assistive points…
Bottom line… This cadre of 15 trainers will work to develop a collaborative, assistive help network among all TN EPPs, and in addition work in tangent with the TN DOE Tennessee Teachers and Leaders Educator Licensure and Preparation division.
What will be provided by the team? The TN TEACH program as outlined above will provide collaborative and assistive help as EPPs address accreditation, quality assurance utilizing the new TN DOE forms and structures, as well as the opportunity to begin to form collaborative arrangement for sharing and creating networked assessment data.
Who is the grant seeking? TN:TEACH will select and train regional and state-wide trainers to work with EPPS within their TN region as they begin to implement new accreditation structures and required reporting. Regional and state-wide trainers will be selected from EPP faculty and their PK-12 partners and vetted according to the following 4 criteria: (1 Knowledge and recent participation in the TN DOE working advisory groups looking out new TN DOE forms and reports rolled out 2017-2019 and CAEP standards and program evaluation structures (2) Availability and willingness to travel within their region in a collaborative-spirit of assisting other EPPs. (3) Knowledge and active participation within recent TACTE/TAILACTE conferences and AACTE engagement. (4) Commitment to the furthering of excellence of teachers for Tennessee’s schools
TN TEACH trainers will prove three regional-site trainings during the 2018 (January – August) year. Regional site-trainings would work collaboratively with the TN-DOE and would focus on: Clear understanding of new TN DOE expectations for reporting and preparing for TN DOE accreditation (and CAEP accreditation for those EPPs participating in CAEP) Leading EPPs within the region to seek deeper collaboration among their preparation programs Seek to assist EPPs on mechanism to use collaborative data to report out their assessment data on preparing teachers for Tennessee schools.
MONTH ACTIVITY/MILESTONE/ASSESSMENT of PROGRAM September 2017 AACTE Announcement of Funding Call to apply as trainers (Fall TACTE/TAILACTE Conference, September 11,12) Meeting with TN DOE Licensure and Preparation Division members Meeting with TN DOE Networks and Partnership Director Development of Training Modules for 2-day training of Trainers October 2017 2-day training-of-trainers that will become Regional Facilitators (Nashville) November 2017 Call to EPPs to participate in Regional Training days (February–July 2018) December 2017 January 2018 Scheduling of training sites and dates within each of the 3 regions of TN (3 training days for each region, initially) February 2018 Finalize training modules based upon Fall 2017 updates March 2018 Training Option 1 within each of the 3 regions April 2018 Training Option 2 within each of the 3 regions May 2018 Assess programs participating in Option 1 and 2 and determine whether the trainings are providing the necessary help and whether they are promoting collaborative efforts among EPPs within each region June 2018 Training Options 3 within each of the 3 regions July 2018 Training Option 4—invitation for each region to meet in Nashville August 2018 Assessment of all participants as to whether the trainings have been helpful, needs to continue forward, quality of collaborations that have begun September 2018 Presentation of the TN TEACH project the 2018 Fall TACTE Conference
NEXT? Determine who would be good, on your staff, to become a regional trainer. Determine the needs you have as an EPP for assistance for the next year. Contact Mark Hogan ( if you want to participate.