UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems under Article 5 (1) of the KP Inventory Management and Archiving in Germany
Quality control / Quality assurance general functions reporting / information National inventory system: federal ministries and institutions The German NaSE shall involve all German institutions with good expertise on the issues necessary for inventory preparation. Single National Entity (UBA) Institutions of the German Länder centralised documentation/archiving Industry scientific institutions independent experts decentralised documentation/archiving information delivery
The need for documentation and archiving increase transparency inventory information (including rationales) shall not only be part of peoples mind but also of documents provide relevant information for priority setting inventory improvement activities undertaken shall be those of most urgent need organize QA/QC at the data source inventory quality shall not be an “end of pipe result” but a consequence of intention and possibilities
Inventory and QS management system integrated concept for QA/QC & national system & inventory National System (NaSE) objectives CSE (Central System on Emissions) data base QSE (Quality System on Emission inventories) QA/QC procedures PlaSte (Planning and Steering tool) meta data base tools Emission Inventory (CRF/NIR) Transparency, Consistency, Comparability, Completeness, Accuracy, Timeliness. improvement activities National Improvement Program specific objectives, criterias, responsibilities and activities experiences experiences & results
Documentation in the Central System on Emissions (CSE) Functions: Central data storage and documentation Emissions calculation and reporting Archiving of inventory information Principles: time series are documented in the data base methods should be included in the database as far as possible and appropriate (tool: CalQlator) data history is stored for QC purposes Backup of the ZSE database of every submission
Documentation in the CSE (II) documentation of time series general information on the data contact persons (and institution if not UBA) information on QC comment documentation of the data source (altern. choice) literature statistical source data base statistical evaluation (description, if the calculation is not included in the data base)
Documentation in the CSE (III) inclusion of calculations in the database time series declaration of parameters and variables calculation formula
Documentation in the Quality System on Emission inventories (QSE) Functions: implementation of the Good Practice Guidance definition and description of the inventory process definition of quality objectives and QK/QS measures provision of standards and data formats support the inventory improvement process Principles: QA/QC as part of the inventory preparation process specific QA/QC Guidance for different roles
Documentation in the QSE (I) Quality objectives QC plan, QA plan: quality-control and quality-assurance procedures (including review and audit). Improvement plan: improvement measures on the inventory or the QSE proposed by responsible experts. Inventory plan: inventory improvement measures approved and given priority by the Single National Entity. Inventory description: detailed documentation of source-category-specific inventory procedures incl. rationales on the choice of data and methods.
Documentation in the QSE (II) documents includes checks on the realisation of decentralised documentation
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