Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on DPSA and DPME Title: Second Quarter 2017/18 Performance Report Presentation Director General: Ms. Mpumi Mpofu Date: 08 November 2017
Presentation layout Mandate of DPME Key Functions Progress on Recommendations of the Portfolio Committee Overall Departmental 2nd quarter Performance Performance Programme (1-7) Budget and Expenditure Additional Detailed Performance Information
Mandate of DPME The mandate of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is derived from section 85(2) (b-c) of the Constitution Established after the 2014 national elections through Proclamation 47, DPME is mandated to perform Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Youth Development and Empowerment functions The vision of DPME is to facilitate, influence and support effective planning, monitoring and evaluation of government programmes for service delivery and socio-economic transformation as outlined in the National Development Plan (NDP) This is done by planning for, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NDP through the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) In addition, the mandate of DPME was expanded over time through Cabinet Decisions
Key Functions The work entails : Establishing systems, policies, guidelines, frameworks and processes for planning in government as a whole to influence the planning philosophy of the country. Currently the focus is on National and Provincial spheres of governments (and should be extended to municipal sphere); Developing requisite institutional capacity for planning (institutionalisation of planning across government); Developing evidence-based plans that draw on monitoring and evaluation and other data sources; Ensuring that planning sets the priorities that inform the allocation of resources though the Mandate Paper; Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the plans and reporting on progress being made; and Supporting interventions to unblock service delivery challenges through Programmes such as Operation Phakisa; Frontline Monitoring; payment of suppliers within 30 days of receipts of a valid invoice; management practices in the three spheres of government amongst other programmes
Strategic Matters raised by the Portfolio Committee
Progress on Recommendations of the Portfolio Committee (PC)1/4 Subsequent to the tabling of the Annual Report 2016/17, and the 4th quarter 2016/17 as the 1st quarter reports, the PC made certain recommendations that require the attention of the Department. Speed up the development of a comprehensive legislation for PM&E The DPME is currently developing Legislation to formally establish an integrated and comprehensive planning, monitoring and evaluation system to that will build on what already exists within the DPME, but also ensures a fundamental shift in the manner in which existing systems have functioned to date; A consultative meeting with stakeholders was held on 12-13 October 2017. Inputs from the consultative meeting has been integrated into the draft legislation and this has been referred to the State Law Advisors
Progress on Recommendations of the Portfolio Committee (PC) 2/4 Ensure that DGs/HoDs sign performance Agreements with the Executive Authority to ensure that suspensions of Senior Officials is based on poor performance and submit a report on turn-over rate of DGs/HoDs A report on the signing of the HOD PA’s was presented to the PC on 25 October 2017 which indicated that 90% of HoD’s PA’s was concluded within the prescribed time. The DPME and DPSA undertook to embark on a capacity development drive next year to ensure the rate of compliance improve. At the same PC mentioned above the DPSA presented a fact sheet on the average time spend by DGs/HoD’s in the Public Service. DPME is monitoring the turn over rate as part of Outcome 12 Develop Action Plan to address issues raised by the AGSA DPME has through its Internal Audit function developed and action plan to ensure that areas identified by the AGSA are included in the Annual Audit Plan. Management structures are also being reviewed to strengthen monitoring and accountability
Progress on recommendations of the Portfolio Committee 3/4 Government move with Speed to establish the Head of the Public Service as envisaged in the NDP The PSC presented their understanding of the challenges regarding the political administrative interface at the PC of 25 October 2015. The first building blocks in establishing the Administrative Head of the Public Service is changing the evaluation panels for HoD’s to be chaired by the DG in the Presidency. The MPSA undertook to finalise the PMDS for HoD’s in which the chairing of the panels will then established Intensify frontline monitoring and ensure that departments implement improvement plans DPME continues to intensify the implementation of its frontline monitoring visits. A total of 225 frontline visits were conducted in the 1st and 2nd cumulatively. These visits are supplemented by the Siyahlola visits which focuses on specific areas identified by political principals for close monitoring and reporting. A total of 10 Siyahloya reports or briefing notes were compiled for political principals since the beginning of the financial year.
Progress on recommendations of the Portfolio Committee 3/4 Prioritisation of Filling of vacancies project plan on filling of vacancies. The vacancy rate at the end of the quarter was 26.8%. This has since reduced to 24.2% as 1 November 2017. Internal appointments have an impact on the vacancy rate (internal employees appointed into promotion posts results in additional vacancies) Filling of funded vacancies is being prioritised. The Department is implementing its National Youth Development Agency should conduct an impact evaluation on the Grant Funding Programme DPME will provide assist to the NYDA to conduct impact evaluation on the Grant Funding Programme
Employment Equity Status
Summary of Departmental Performance in the 2nd Quarter
Overall Departmental 2nd quarter Performance Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 29 100% Targets Exceeded 5 17.24 Targets Achieved 20 68.96 Target Partially Achieved 3 10.34 Targets not Achieved 1 3.45 % Achievement 25 86.21%
Programme 1: Administration: 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance There were no major performance challenges for the programme The partially achieved targets related to the communication of performance assessment has since been achieved and the quarterly reports was completed submitted The vacancy rate at the end of the quarter was 26.8%. This has reduced to 24.2% as 1 November 2017 Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 11 100% Targets Exceeded Targets Achieved 8 82 Target Partially Achieved 3 18 Targets not Achieved % Achievement 82%
Percentage achievement Programme 2: National Planning Coordination: 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance There were no major performance challenges for the programme Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 2 100% Targets Exceeded Targets Achieved Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved % Achievement
Programme 3: Sector Monitoring : 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance There were no major performance challenges for the programme Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 3 100% Targets Exceeded Targets Achieved Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved % Achievement
Percentage achievement Programme 4: Public Sector Monitoring and Capacity Development : 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance The 1 target not achieved relates to MPAT assessments of National and Provincial departments. The process was delayed due to the revision of the MPAT standards. The system has opened and assessments have commenced. The self-assessments will be concluded by 30 No Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 4 100% Targets Exceeded 1 25% Targets Achieved 2 50% Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved % Achievement 3 75%
Percentage achievement Programme 5: Frontline and Citizen Based Service Delivery Monitoring: 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance 3 targets were marginally exceeded with no impact on resources. 3 CBM inception produced against t the target of 4 Presidential Hotline Enhancement Plan targets exceeded by 2% (81.8% against the target of 80%) 4 Siyahlola visits conducted against the target of 3 Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 4 100% Targets Exceeded 3 75% Targets Achieved 1 25% Target Partially Achieved 0% Targets not Achieved % Achievement
Percentage achievement Programme 6: Evidence Knowledge Systems: 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance There we no challenges in meeting the targets 4 Thematic knowledge events/ Brown Bag Session against target of 2 Thematic knowledge events conducted 8 Policy Briefs against target of 6 DPME knowledge products disseminated Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 2 100% Targets Exceeded 1 50% Targets Achieved Target Partially Achieved 0% Targets not Achieved % Achievement
Programme 6: Youth Development: 2nd Quarter Summary of Performance There we no challenges in meeting the targets Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Number of Targets 3 100% Targets Exceeded Targets Achieved Target Partially Achieved 0% Targets not Achieved % Achievement
Budget and Expenditure
2017/18 Adjustments budget Per Programme ENE Budget Virement AENE Budget. Administration 168 305 5 141 173 446 National Planning Coordination 54 547 (7 694) 46 853 Sector Monitoring 52 153 (6 881) 45 272 Public Sector Mon.& Capacity Dev. 40 111 (7 701) 32 410 Frontline Monitoring 56 963 (3 565) 53 398 Evidence and Knowledge Systems 109 421 (2 468) 106 953 National Youth Development 441 996 (1 832) 440 164 Total 923 496 (25 000) 898 496 Per Economic Classification Shifts / Compensation 268 937 (25 200) 243 737 Goods & Services 202 811 5 559 208 370 Transfers & Subsidies 432 806 204 433 010 Capital 18 942 (5 563) 13 379
2017/18 AENE Compensation: R25 million surrendered in adjustments budget. Compensation budget is exclusively appropriated - savings due to delays in implementing structure could not be applied to other spending priorities. Reasons for shifts/virement: Realignment of budget to revised structure. Additional funding to Programme 1 for NDP marketing campaign – funded from savings on capital expenditure due to delays in finding additional office accommodation
2017/18 Q1+Q2 Drawings and Expenditure Per Programme AENE Budget Q1+Q2 Drawings Q1 + Q2 Exp. % Drawings Spent % Budget Spent Administration 173 446 87 438 67 435 77.1% 38.9% National Planning Coordination 46 853 25 434 18 323 72.0% 39.1% Sector Monitoring 45 272 25 667 19 626 76.5% 43.4% Public Sector Mon.& Capacity Dev. 32 410 19 188 15 139 78.9% 46.7% Frontline Monitoring 53 398 28 385 24 907 87.7% 46.6% Evidence and Knowledge Systems 106 953 85 943 80 226 93.3% 75.0% National Youth Development 440 164 225 656 221 782 98.3% 50.4% Total 898 496 497 711 447 439 89.9% 49.8% Per Economic Classification Compensation 243 737 130 433 113 089 86.7% 46.4% Goods & Services 208 370 133 745 113 223 84.7% 54.3% Transfers & Subsidies 433 010 220 000 220 117 100.1% 50.8% Capital 13 379 13 533 1 010 7.5%
2017/18 Projections Reasons for slow spending by end of Q2 Delays in implementing new structure (full implementation started in Q2) DPW procurement of additional office accommodation. DPW tender did not identify suitable offices. New process to start in November 2017 Projections for 2017/18 Compensation: 100%. All vacant posts are in the process on being advertised / filled Goods and Services: 98% Capital Expenditure: 98%. Upgrades to ICT systems being procured
Additional slides: Detailed Performance information
PROG 1: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce an Annual Performance Plan according to prescribed standards/framework and timelines Review and produce 1st draft of Strategic Plan and APP and submit to NT and DPME The 1st draft APP was produce and submitted to NT and DPME. Audited Annual Report produced and submitted to National Treasury and Parliament by due date Audited Annual Report was produced and submitted to National Treasury and Parliament by due date Achieve 80% of targets in the WSP by the end of the financial year 30% of targets in the WSP by the end of the second Quarter. One hundred and forty-eight (148) training opportunities were organised which represents 33% of the annual target of 450
PROG 1: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 100% of valid invoices paid within 30 days or disciplinary action taken in 100% of cases where invoices are not paid within 30 days 100% of valid invoices paid within 30 days Produce quarterly monitoring reports against the ICT plan within 30 days of end of the quarter Produce quarterly report 85% Achievement against the ICT Standards 80% communication activities described in communication plan implemented by the end of the financial year Quarterly report showing 63 % of the targets (19/30) was produced
PROG 1: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce quarterly progress reports against targets in the risk plan 1st Quarter risk progress report produced 1st Quarter risk management progress report was produced Quarterly audit implementation reports presented to Audit Committee and Management produced 1st Quarter Internal Audit progress report produced 1st Quarter internal audit report was presented to Audit Committee on the 28th July 2017 80% Communication activities described in the Communication Plan implemented by the end of the financial year Produce quarterly target Quarterly report showing 63 % of the targets (19/30) was produced
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce quarterly performance report against APP 30 days after the end of the quarter 1st Quarter Performance Report for 2017/18 produced and approved by the Minister and submitted to National Treasury 1st Quarter Performance Report 2017/18 was produced and submitted to National Treasury, however the Minister approved the report on the 13th September 2017 There were delays in the approval of the report as it was signed by the Minister on the 13th September 2017
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Maintain a vacancy rate of 10% or less 10% or less on average over the quarter The average vacancy rate for the quarter was 26.8% Although HR implements timeous Recruitment and Selection and 16 post were filled during the quarter, the department implemented its approved revised organisational structure with effect from 1 April 2017 which increased the number of approved funded posts from 350 to 447 (97 more posts) resulting in an increased vacancy rate
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Achieve 90% submission of performance agreements, reviews and assessments by due date 90% of previous year assessment moderated and results communicated by 30th September 2017 All submitted annual assessments (291 which is 96%) were moderated by 8 September 2017, however the results were not communicated to staff The results have not yet been communicated to staff and performance incentive are not yet implemented
Programme 2: National Planning Coordination (NPC)
PROG 2: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Quarterly (activity report) and Annual (AR) produced Produce Quarterly Activity Report Quarterly Activity Report produced Annual Report showing support for 80% of requested impact assessments by the end of financial year SEIAS Reports on requests received in Quarter 2 104 SEIAS reports produced for the requests received in the quarter. Feedback on analysis was sent to 84 departments (81%) within an average turnaround time of 13 days
Programme 3: Sector Monitoring
PROG 3: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Mid-term review completed by July 2017 Mid-term Review Report 2014 – 2016 available by July 2017 The Mid Term Review report completed on 31 July 2017 MTSF Progress Reports on Outcomes submitted to Cabinet in June, September and November 2017 MTSF Progress Reports on Outcomes completed by September 2017 12 outcomes POA progress reports have been submitted to Cabinet in September 2017. (Outcomes 9 and 12 report separately reported) One Comprehensive Operation Phakisa Progress Report produced quarterly, encompassing progress with all delivery labs 1 Comprehensive Quarterly Operation Phakisa Progress Report produced A comprehensive Progress Report with 7 components of Operation Phakisa was produced
Programme 4:Public Sector Monitoring
PROG 4: Target Exceeded Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Achieve 80% of targets in the Capacity Development Implementation Plan Produce 1 Progress Report showing 40% achievement of targets in the Implementation Plan Produced 1 progress report showing 52% achievement of targets in the implementation plan
PROG 4: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative MTSF Progress Reports Outcomes 9 and 12 submitted to Cabinet in June, September and November 2017 Mid-term Review Report 2014 – 2016 available by July 2017 Mid-Term review report for 2014-16 including outcomes 9 and 12 produced on 31 July 2017 MTSF Progress Reports on Outcomes 9 & 12 submitted to Cabinet in June, September and November 2017 MTSF Progress Reports on Outcomes 9 & 12 completed by September 2017 MTSF Progress report (for Outcome 9 and 12) completed in September 2017
PROG 4: Target Not Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention 95% MPAT assessments completed for National and Provincial departments by 31st March 2018 Facilitate self-assessment at all National and Provincial departments Facilitated self-assessment at all National and Provincial departments Self-assessment will be done as from the 16th October 2017
Programme 5: Frontline and Citizen Based Service Delivery Monitoring
PROG 5: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 400 150 150 monitoring visits conducted (50 Baseline monitoring, 64 feedback monitoring and 36 improvement monitoring visits)
PROG 5: Targets Exceeded Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 3 Planning and inception completed with 3 (three) sector departments by 30 September 2017 Planning and inception were completed with 4 departments. These are CoGTA GP, OtP FS, OtP NC and OtP EC. Inception meeting was held with Civilian Secretariat, but detailed planning still outstanding and will take place in October
PROG 5: Targets Exceeded Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 80% achievement of targets in Annual Presidential Enhancement Plan 80% achievements of Q2 targets in plan 81.82% achievement. Progress has been made to address the following: Improvement date collected, improvement of contract management with SITA, strengthening monitoring and oversight and improved communication. It should be noted that majority of engagements within PH do not necessarily take form of physical contact sessions or face to face meeting but also through conference calls and emails.
PROG 5: Targets Exceeded Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Conduct 10 visits and produce area profiles/briefing notes/reports on Siyahlola and Izimbizo quarterly Conducted 3 visits and produce area profiles/briefing notes/reports on Siyahlola and izimbizo for the quarter 4 visits conducted and briefing notes produced. Namely: 1X Deputy President visit to OR Tambo District municipality 1X Deputy Minister visit in Gauteng: Musicians Indaba 1X Minister visit in Limpopo: Dennilton 1X Follow up on minister’s complainant in Limpopo, Mulamula
Programme 6: Evidence and Knowledge Systems
PROG 6: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 3 Reports for each outcome on the POA system (excluding outcomes for which the reports are classified) by 31 March 2018 One report for each outcome excluding outcomes for which the reports are classified System updated on 20-22 September 2017
PROG 6: Targets Exceeded Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 4 DPME knowledge sharing platforms implemented and 13 knowledge products disseminated 2 Thematic knowledge events conducted 6 DPME knowledge products disseminated 8 Policy Briefs 4 Thematic knowledge events/ Brown Bag Session
Programme 7: National Youth Development
PROG 7: Targets Achieved Planned Annual Target 2017/18 2nd Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Monitor implementation of the National Youth Policy and produce implementation reports Produce implementation monitoring of the National Youth Policy Monitoring report on the NYP compiled M&E Framework for the National Youth Policy approved by Cabinet by 31 March 2018 Draft M&E framework consulted Draft M&E framework consulted. M&E plan, tools and guideline developed NYDA performance reports quality assured and transfer of payment made quarterly Performance reports of the NYDA quality assured and transfer of payment made NYDA tranche payment facilitated and reports (APP, Quarterly Reports) quality assured