Students Becoming Assessors Refer to Module 5 materials
Activity 4 Feedback Groups divided into maths and science Feedback about activities on posters Group discussion about posters
Activity 3 Feedback Video teacher responses to the following questions: What did you enjoy about this activity? What was the most difficult aspect of this activity? What did you learn from this activity? Would you participate in an activity like this in the future? How could this activity have been improved? Do you think other teachers would benefit from an activity like this? Did you find the FaSMEd Professional Development materials beneficial in this activity? Did you think this activity was beneficial to your teaching? How did the technology aid this activity? Was the discussion time after this activity useful? Did you learn more from being the observer or the observed?
Students Becoming Assessors Activity 5
Group Discussion Have you used student self assessment in the classroom before? Can you give examples? Did it work well? What did students learn from it? Do you think it aided in your students’ learning?
Group Discussion Have you used peer assessment in the classroom before? Can you give examples? Did it work well? What did students learn from it? Do you think it aided in your students’ learning?
Comments from Research Teachers note that: Students often attend more to the neatness of the piece of work rather than to the quality and communication of the work Teachers concerned that students may copy sample work
Graphic Organisers Provide a visual method of developing, organising and summarising students learning. They help to structure disjointed information. They facilitate the learning process by providing a scaffold for the development of ideas and the construction of knowledge. Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners all benefit from using the organisers. High quality teaching in mixed ability classrooms is also facilitated. Highest quality results are achieved when one organiser is shared by a small group of (2/3) students with diverse abilities and learning styles.
Graphic Organisers Group Task: In groups of 3 critically analyse the graphic organisers designed by 1st year students in Ireland. Think about: Have they met the learning outcomes? Is there any misconceptions? Have they left any important information out? Is it clear and easy for students to follow?
Choosing Sample Work Work should be chosen to suggest alternative representations and approaches that students have not previously considered. It is helpful if the sample work illustrates common errors that will prompt discussion. Students should be encouraged to be critical of work and therefore the will learn from the comparisons and discussion. When doing a peer assessment task the teacher can choose to use exemplar pieces of work for students to analyse. This is sometimes easier than students swapping work as the students don’t feel like they are judging their peers.
Designing Marking Rubrics A rubric is a formative type of assessment because it becomes an ongoing part of the whole teaching and learning process. When a rubric is well-defined, learners know exactly what is expected of them and how they can improve their achievement. The teacher should keep a list of things they want students to accomplish as a result of their instruction.
Group Task In your groups take one of the graphic organisers you previously looked at and try to design a marking rubric on which the students can assess this graphic organiser. You may make use of the marking rubric template on schoology. Once your group is finished, upload the rubric to the resources section in Toolkit 5 Schoology demonstration here Teachers can use the marking rubrics on schoology or do up a rubric, take a picture of it and upload it to schoology.
Take this time to look at the rubrics on Schoology Group Discussion Get group discussing the different rubrics, what works, what is common, any mistakes/omissions? Take this time to look at the rubrics on Schoology
Student Activity Students will work on graphic organisers in groups in preparation for their summer exams. The students can use their iPads and Surfaces to carry out this activity. Students will self assess their work in the group. The students will swap graphic organisers and peer assess them using the marking rubric of your design. Students will once again self assess their work in the group. Possible follow up activities… Give out Lesson Plan Group discussion on possible follow up activities (some suggested in the lesson plan) Students do not have to hand up their first attempt at self assessment With regards to swapping graphic organisers, it is at the discretion of the teacher if they want to swap them in class or between classes.
Technology Popplet lite for iPad for surface* Schoology Graphic Organisers PowerPoint Any other ideas? Show sample popplet. *could be optional as technology isn’t great. Could use the pdst graphic organisers instead and upload to schoology. Ask group for any further ideas.
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