Kitikmeot Inuit Association Presentation on Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.’s Back River Project FEIS Addendum
KIA Mandate “To manage Kitikmeot Inuit Lands and Resources to protect and promote the social, cultural, political, environmental, and economic well-being of the Kitikmeot Inuit.”
Project Location on Inuit Owned Land The Back River Project footprint overlaps 5 Inuit Owned Land Parcels BB-02 BB-13 BB-15 BB-16 BB-27 BB-27 BB-16 BB-15 BB-02 BB-13
Sabina Mineral Claims in the Kitikmeot Region
KIA Participation KIA has participated fully and to maximum capacity throughout the NIRB process KIA and Sabina have a positive working relationship Sabina has been receptive to KIA’s concerns and comments, and engaged KIA on many occasions to discuss and resolve issues
KIA Review Team Jared Ottenhof – KIA Lands and Environment Officer Technical Review Lead John Donihee – Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP KIA Legal Counsel
KIA Specialists Wildlife Zoetica Environmental Research Services Inc. Geotechnical Engineering BGC Engineering Inc. Water Quality Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd. Fish and Fish Habitat Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc. Air Quality Pottinger Gaherty Environmental Consultants Ltd. Socio-Economics Shared Value Solutions Ltd. Traditional Knowledge Banci Consulting Ltd.
Information Requests KIA submitted approximately 140 Information Requests for the DEIS review phase, and 67 Information Requests to the NIRB for the FEIS phase 25 Traditional Knowledge issues (mostly editorial in nature) were identified in the FEIS and resolved with outcomes included in the KIA’s final written submission prior to the 2016 FEIS Hearing
Technical Comments & Joint Submissions KIA presented the NIRB with 26 technical comments in the initial FEIS review, and 20 technical comments on the FEIS Addendum KIA and Sabina presented 2 joint submissions on proposed terms and conditions for the project certificate to minimize or eliminate KIA concerns: 3 related to water quality 3 related to geotechnical matters 3 related to fish / fish habitat 7 related to wildlife and caribou
KIA-Proponent Interaction Following the release of the Nunavut Impact Review Board Report on the project, Sabina engaged KIA, making significant efforts to resolve KIA’s technical comments and requests This occurred through continual talk and contact between KIA and Sabina that is well documented by Sabina, and was presented at the pre-hearing conference and earlier in this hearing KIA’s submissions to the Board as part of the review process were the results of this ongoing constructive communication
Resolved Technical Comments
Water Quality TC1: Placement of Monitoring Stations in Near- and Mid-Shore Marine Environment TC2: Baseline Water Quality Data TC3: Freshwater Monitoring Locations TC4: Water Quality Sampling Frequency TC5: Water Quality Monitoring Suite TC6: Data Evaluation and Response Framework TC7: Exclusion of Zooplankton from the AEMP
Water Quality Sabina adequately addressed all of KIA’s recommendations or Requests Fine details and detailed designs related to water quality will be addressed through the improvement of the Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program, and other components of Nunavut Water Board water licensing stage
Fish and Fish Habitat TC8: Clarify Representation of Impacts to Fish Habitat TC9: Mitigation by Design vs. Offsetting TC10: Detail on the Design and Construction, and Conceptual Feasibility of the Fish Mitigation Passage TC11: Baseline for Rascal Stream Memo TC12: Reporting on Timing of Fishway Mitigation Activities TC13: Clarification of Terminology and Characterization of Effects TC14: Monitoring of Proposed Mitigation Measure TC15: Evaluating Success as part of the Monitoring Program TC16: Clarification on the Timing of Satellite Imagery for Bathymetric Maps TC17: Serious Harm to non-Fish Bearing Lakes and Ponds TC18: Losses in Fisheries Productivity
Fish and Fish Habitat Sabina adequately addressed all of KIA’s recommendations or Requests Fine details and detailed designs related to fish and fish habitat will be determined in the Fisheries Act authorization stage
Caribou and Wildlife TC19: Mitigation plan Continuity between WMMP Versions TC20: Caribou Mitigation and Protection
KIA Recommendations KIA would like to reiterate their support for the commitments, terms and conditions that were jointly submitted with Sabina at the 2016 FEIS Hearing
Future KIA Matters Though there have been progressive technical discussions with Sabina, there are several key project components not yet in place Inuit Impact Benefit Agreement Compensation Agreements under the Nunavut Agreement Land Tenure / Lease Agreement Nunavut Water Board Water License Fisheries Act Authorization KIA anticipates ongoing discussions with Sabina on these matters
Concluding Remarks
Koana-Quana-Thank You