A new OECD project proposal Recognition of non formal and informal learning and Credit accumulation and transfer Education and Training Policy Division D i r e c t o r a t e f o r E d u c a t i o n Utrecht VPL Seminar– Utrecht, 21-23 September 2005
Utrecht VPL Seminar– Utrecht, 21-23 September 2005 Agenda Background/Rationale Purpose/scope Framework and key policy issues for analysis Intended outcomes and methods Utrecht VPL Seminar– Utrecht, 21-23 September 2005
Agenda Background/Rationale Purpose/scope Framework and key policy issues for analysis Intended outcomes and methods
Why Recognition of non-formal learning and OECD previous activities credit transfer? OECD previous activities - The Role of National Qualification Systems in Promoting Lifelong Learning - The Thematic Review of Adult Learning - The activity on Co-financing Lifelong Learning The Thematic Review of Career Guidance and Public Policy, etc. Activities outside OECD - UNESCO, ILO, European Commission, CEDEFOP, ECOTEC, ASEM, etc.
Background : The Role of National Qualification Systems in Promoting Lifelong Learning 9 policy responses 20 mechanisms A preliminary ranking of the mechanims Recognition of non formal and informal learning has been the focus of one of the three additionnal thematic working groups
Ranking of the 20 mechanisms # of PR where the mech. has a strong role # of PR wh.the mech. has a supporting role Rank 1. Communicate returns to learning for qualification 1 2 19 2. Developing employability 16= 3. Establishing qualifications frameworks 4 4. Increasing learner choice in qualifications 5. Clarifying learning pathways 8 6. Providing credit transfer 7 7. Increasing flexibility in learning programmes 3 10= 8. Creating new routes to qualifications 5= 9. Lowering cost of qualification 12= 10. Recognising non f. and inf. learning 5 11. Monitoring the qualifications system 6 14 12. Optimising stakeholder involvement in the qualifications system 13. Improving needs analysis methods so that qualifs are up to date 14. Improving qualification use in recruitment 20 15. Ensuring qualifications are portable 16. Investing in pedagogical innovation 18 17. Expressing qualifications as learning outcomes 9 18. Maximising co-ordination in the qualifications system 19. Optimising quality assurance 20. Improving information and advice about qualifications systems 15
Rationale Economic effects Educational effects Social effects Psychological effects
Agenda Background/Rationale Purpose/scope Framework and key policy issues for analysis Intended outcomes and methods
The overall purpose of the activity To help develop useful policy options for policy makers to promote lifelong learning through effective models to recognise non-formal and informal learning and to facilitate a credit transfer system.
Scope: levels and sectors ‘From Cradle to Grave’: - Feasible? - Appropriate? - Policy relevant? Levels: - Primary - Secondary - Post-secondary education and training? Sectors: - Home - Workplace (vocational and professional training) - Society at large - Formal education and training
Agenda Background/Rationale Purpose/scope Framework and key policy issues for analysis Intended outcomes and methods
Non-Formal and informal Learning Credit transfer Framework and Key policy issues: thematic analysis and contextual impact analysis Non-Formal and informal Learning Credit transfer Internationalisation Contextual factors Demographic changes New ICT Main Key themes Governance Economic and social benefits Costs and financing Role of government Equity and social cohesion Link to qualifications framework Link to the labour market Assessment Personal and social development Stakeholder behaviour Institutional and technical arrangements
Agenda Background/Rationale Purpose/scope Framework and key policy issues for analysis Intended outcomes and methods
Intended outcomes Methods Phase I – data collection and conceptual development Phase II – Policy analysis, lifelong learning scenario development and recognition models development Phase III – development of policy options and dissemination Methods Desk-based research Field research - thematic review and pilot model study Commissioning paper Built-in workshops Electronic discussion groups