Chapter 14 Vocabulary Click on Left mouse button to begin and advance the show. Questions are in red and answers are in black.
vocabulary lavō, -āre I wash exerceō, -ēre I exercise, train I sing canō, -ere I envy invideō, -ēre (+dat.) I carry out perficiō, -ere I walk, march, hasten contendō, -ere gerō, -ere I carry; I wear
familia, -ae (f.) family, household glōria, -ae (f.) glory place locus, -ī (m.) people populus, -ī (m.) carmen, carminis (n.) song young man iuvenis, iuvenis (m.) father pater, patris (m.) mūrus, -ī (m.) wall
soldier mīles, mīlitis (m.) parent parēns, parentis (c.) senex, senis (m.) old man today hodiē posteā afterwards always semper now nunc
sub (+abl.) under ā/ab (+abl.) from back to main