Unit 3 Week 3 Anansi Goes Fishing
Day 1 Anansi Goes Fishing
Phonics Compound Words
Blend the sounds to read the words. Phonics Compound Words Blend the sounds to read the words. headband backpack pancake sandbox birthday handshake seasick sandpaper homeland rainstorm
Compound Words Phonics teapot raindrops mailbox necklace oat time On Your Own Page 217 Compound Words teapot raindrops mailbox necklace oat time
caught finally today whatever believe been tomorrow High Frequency Words caught finally today whatever believe been tomorrow
believe Finally caught been today tomorrow whatever High Frequency Words On Your Own Page 218 believe Finally caught been today tomorrow whatever
Compare and contrast the brown spider and the black spider. Comprehension Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast the brown spider and the black spider.
Comprehension Compare and Contrast Brown Spider Black Spider
Compare and Contrast Comprehension Shoulder Partners: Compare and Contrast Yourselves! Partner A Partner B
Background Knowledge Discovery Ed Anansi and the Turtle
Day 2 Anansi Goes Fishing
Read the words. Phonics goldfish raindrop overflow handmade backstage landslide playmate bedspread sandstone
Phonics bathtub mailbox birthday driveway basketball raindrop weekend On Your Own Page 221 bathtub mailbox birthday driveway basketball raindrop weekend someone backyard riverbank bedtime something
Read these words: caught today tomorrow whatever been finally High Frequency Words Read these words: caught today tomorrow whatever been finally believe parents wash company picture answer
weave Vocabulary to form threads into cloth, a net, or a web Definition: to form threads into cloth, a net, or a web Sentence: Big Spider watched Little Spider weave a large web.
lazy Vocabulary not liking to work or be active Definition: not liking to work or be active Sentence: Big Spider felt lazy, so she did not help Little Spider.
delicious Vocabulary something that tastes really good Definition: something that tastes really good Sentence: Little Spider ate a delicious bug that got caught in the web.
justice Vocabulary something that is fair and right Definition: something that is fair and right Sentence: Little Spider said, “Too bad you’re hungry, Big Spider, but that’s justice.”
Comprehension Page 424 Anansi Goes Fishing
Day 3 Anansi Goes Fishing
Read these words: popcorn seacoast rainstorm bathrobe Fluent Word Read Read these words: popcorn seacoast rainstorm bathrobe underline overhead
been whatever Tomorrow caught delicious justice High Frequency Words Vocabulary Words been Anansi has always __________ a lazy spider. Today he does __________ Turtle asks. __________ Anansi will weave a net. Anansi finally __________ a fish. I believe that the fish tasted __________. Turtle wasn’t fair, so Anansi wanted __________. justice been delicious whatever caught tomorrow whatever Tomorrow caught delicious justice
believe caught today finally tomorrow delicious whatever been High Frequency Words On Your Own Page 227 believe caught today finally tomorrow delicious whatever been
Compare and Contrast Comprehension Compare and contrast the wind-up mouse with the rest of the mice.
Day 4 Anansi Goes Fishing
Antonyms Brain Pop Jr.
Antonyms On Your Own Page 222
Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast these stories.
Day 5 Anansi Goes Fishing
Spelling Test Assessment Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!