Mrs. Miller’s Kindergarten Class Newsletter October Sight Words a is play the has I taught the children how to play the matching game using this month’s sight words. You can easily play this game together at home. Reader’s Workshop We learned how to read “Learn About the World” books (non-fiction). The children can practice this at home by starting with the front cover, use the pictures to say what is happening page by page, say what they are thinking about what is happening on each page and use connecting words as they turn the pages. Soon we will be reading “Old Favorites” (familiar fiction stories). Math We spent the month of September counting to 20 and practicing writing the numbers 1-9. We have also learned about AB patterns and we have made several bar graphs. Moose Manners Talk to your children about using all their strength and courage to do the right thing no matter what others are doing. Choosing right shows your respect to self and others Important Dates 30 Make-up Picture Day 9 Columbus Day - No School 11 Follow Monday’s Schedule 9-13 Fire Safety/Prevention Week 16-20 Book Fair 19 Book Fair Family Night 23 No School for Students 26 Follow Monday’s Schedule