FLOORPLANS This information comes from CHAPTER 13 of the 11th edition (pages 304-330). References in white text This information comes from CHAPTER 14 of the 12th edition (pages326-357). References in red text
FLOORPLANS We covered the first half of the chapter on Monday so we will pick up with Review Question #6 (#8 in 12th edition) At what size should the room names be lettered on a floor plan? Page 310 Room Names and Material Symbols Page 332 Room Names and Material Symbols The room name should be lettered slightly….
FLOORPLANS Review Question #7 (#9 in 12th edition) Describe 2 methods of showing a dimension that is less than one foot. Page 312 Dimensioning Page 334 Dimensioning 0’-6” 6”
FLOORPLANS Review Question #8 (#10 in 12th edition) Explain the difference in dimensioning exterior frame walls and solid masonry walls. Page 312-313 Dimensioning Figure 13-11 A Page 334-335 Dimensioning Figure 14-11 A Has to do with center or edges depending on the type of wall
FLOORPLANS Review Question #9 (#11 in 12th edition) Explain how you can double-check your accuracy on partial dimensions on a drawing. Page 313 Dimensioning – Overall dimensions Page 335 Dimensioning – Overall dimensions Has to do simple addition
FLOORPLANS Review Question #10 (#15 in 12th edition) What is the SCALE of most residential floor plans? Page 314 Dimensioning – Scale and Sheet Identification Page 335 Dimensioning – Scale and Sheet Identification This is a BIG ONE! Very important We draw floor plans FULL SIZE – that is, if a wall is 30 feet long, we draw it 30 feet long. However, we cannot PRINT the drawing actual size. We must “scale it down” to fit the paper. Most common residential scale is ¼” = 1’
FLOORPLANS Review Question #0 (#5 in 12th edition) The actual thickness of an exterior frame wall with ½” insulation board, ½” drywall, and 5/8” siding on a 1-1/2” x 3-1/2?’ framing member (stud) is 5-1/8”. However, and exterior frame wall may be represented as a nominal thickness of _____ on the floor plan. Page 308 Location and size of walls – Figure 13-3 Page 330 Location and size of walls – Figure 14-3
Now what? If you haven’t completed your shotgun house already, MONDAY, October 2 is “catch-up” day. Email your shotgun house plan to Dan.Trent@mvsu.edu in ONE FOLDER named (Your Name-Shotgun) no later than 9:00 a.m. Monday, October 2, 2017 After you email me your drawings, I will send you a study guide for the mid-term review Begin studying for the mid-term exam on FRIDAY, October 6, 2017
Now what? Begin studying for the mid-term exam on FRIDAY, October 6, 2017 Mid-term Review will be on WEDNESDAY, October 4, 2017 and will include information from all material covered to this point (Chapters 1-Architectural Styles, 2-Basic House Designs, 6-Primary Residential Design Considerations, and 12-Floor Plans, Chapter 13 in the new book). There will also be question from Chief Architect software (you know how to draw simple floor plans, right?). Also some info about a SHOTGUN HOUSE design the mid-term exam is on FRIDAY, October 6, 2017