By: Camilo Uribe and Sebastian Mejia Ulawun Volcano By: Camilo Uribe and Sebastian Mejia
Facts East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea summit elevation 2334 m Type of volcano: stratovolcano It is the highest volcano in the 1000 km long Bismarck volcanic arc which stretches from Rabaul to Wewak. Ulawun eruptions: 2010-13, 2000-08, 1994, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1984-85, 1984, 1983-84, 1980, 1978, 1973, 1970, 1967, 1963, 1960-62, 1958, 1951?, 1941, 1937?, 1927, 1919, 1918, 1915, 1898, 1878, 1700. The first recorded eruption of Ulawun was by Dampier in 1700. The next record was 178 years later. A large eruption in 1915 deposited 10 cm of ash at Toriu, 50 km northeast of the volcano.
location Latitude (dd): -5.05 Longitude (dd): 151.33 Elevation (m): 2334 Country: Papua New Guinea State (Province, etc): New Britain
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