The Taj Mahal & Ganges River
Ganges River - Religion Ganges River - HEI Name:__________________ Teacher: Bunn Period:__________ POLLUTION: Taj Mahal & The Sacred River Ganges Taj Mahal - Religion Taj Mahal - HEI Ganges River - Religion Ganges River - HEI
The Ganges River
The Ganges is life, purity, and a goddess to the people of India The Ganges is life, purity, and a goddess to the people of India. This river runs for 1,560 miles from the Himalayas all the way to the Bay of Bengal is more than just flowing water. The river is Ganga Ma, "Mother Ganges." Her name and her story is known all throughout the land. It is the story of how she poured herself down from heaven upon the ashes of King Sarga's sons. Her waters would raise them up again to dwell in peace in heaven. Not only that, but anyone who touches these purifying waters even today are said to be cleansed of all sins.
Ganges River - Religion Copy this: Ganges River - Religion Sacred to Hindus Hindus believe the river is a goddess It cleans people of their sins and helps them get to heaven
Ganges River - Religion Copy this: Ganges River - Religion Watch the following video clips. Copy down three details about religion.
Unfortunately, with all the life the Ganges brings, pollution is also brought. Some of the worst waterborne diseases are hepatits, and cholera. Money is being raised by the government and other groups such as the Swatcha Ganga to clean the Ganges. Regardless of the pollution or risk of disease, the Ganges is still the purifying waters for the Hindus of India.
As stated in "Travel in India" by Jean Tavernier, "The land where the Ganges does not flow is likened in one hymn to the sky without the sun, a home without a lamp, a Brahmin without a Vedas"
Copy this: Ganges River - HEI Water is polluted Waterborne diseases
It was built as a memorial to house the tomb of his wife. Taj Mahal and Ganges River Notes Taj Mahal - Religion Taj Mahal - HEI The white marble building is being destroyed by air pollution.(turning yellow) In1995, coal burning industries were shut down because they used no pollution-control devices. Planted trees Built sidewalks Built a pool It was built as a memorial to house the tomb of his wife. Arabic writing They were Muslims Ganges River - Religion Ganges River - HEI Sacred to Hindus Hindus believe the river is a goddess It cleans people of their sins and helps them get to heaven Water is polluted Waterborne diseases
In 1631 Shah Johan, a Moslem emperor of India, was married to Mumtex Mahal. When she died, the grief stricken emperor decided to build the world’s finest mausoleum for his beloved wife.
He employed craftsmen and 20,000 laborers for twenty years to construct the monument in the Mogul capital of Agra. He had the finest materials brought from all over the world to build the splendid mausoleum.
The building consists of a main structure and detatched minarets (tall, slender towers) at each corner.
Inside, in one of the rooms are the caskets of the Shah and his wife Inside, in one of the rooms are the caskets of the Shah and his wife. They are actually buried in a small tomb beneath the room. Many believe the tomb is here, reflecting in the pool.
A prodigious builder, Shah Jahan's crowning achievement was the tomb he built to memorialize his beloved Mumtaz, mother of his 14 children.
For two hundred years the monument was neglected For two hundred years the monument was neglected. When the British conquered India in the 18th century, they made plans to take apart the Taj Mahal and sell the marble in England. The plans were changed because it would be too expensive.
Over the years, pollution in Agra has damaged the marble on the exterior of the building. In 1995 India’s Supreme Court took the first steps to save the Taj Mahal from pollution by ordering over 200 industries in Agra shut down because they used no pollution-control devices.
Nearly 6,000 industries are located in the Agra area, more than one-third of which environmentalists believe have combined to damage the Taj Mahal. They support the pollution controls as a landmark decisions to help save the Taj Mahal and the people of the area.
Copy this: Taj Mahal - Religion It was built as a memorial to house the tomb of his wife. Arabic writing They were Muslims
Copy this: Taj Mahal - HEI The white marble building is being destroyed by air pollution. In1995, coal burning industries were shut down because they used no pollution-control devices.
Taj Mahal - HEI By looking at this picture, what are three other examples of HEI?