Il mio mondo Video Project, with 2.E June 18–20, 2014 In conjunction with the Enriched Foreign Language Learning Project Mentors: Miranda Kabaj Voncina, Andrea Valenti, Rebecca Svetina
Project Goal The goal is for the Sicilian exchange students to ''meet'' the students in Domžale, understand what is important in their everyday lives, and see where they are going.
Introduction The project week is directed to second year students of the High School of Domžale. The students involved will present their life – Home, School, and Community – bilingually (English and Italian), in the form of a 5-10 minute video, which addresses the following questions: Who you are (family and friends) Where you live (home, school, and community) What you do (school, free time, hobbies, sports, talents, etc.)
Weekly Schedule
Homework Reflect on the 3 questions and what is worth being presented. Keep this in mind through the weekend. What is important for foreign students coming to Slovenia to know? What would you be interested in if you were an exchange student? How will you present the information in the form of a video? Write down your reflection (in English or Slovene), and be prepared to hand it in on Wednesday. Start writing your script (in Italian and English).
DAY 1 Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Goals: Outline your ideas plan to create your video. Learn how to montage your videos. Write and edit your script. Video around town (minimum 3 locations).
Structure of a Video Introduction Body Content Conclusion Who? Your family, house, pets, friends, hobbies, etc. Where? Name 5+ facts about Domžale. What? What are your top 5 suggestions for the exchange students? Conclusion *Use appropriate transitions!!
YouTube Video Editing Intro: STEPS Sign into your YouTube account (set it up if you don't have one) Click Upload button in upper right hand corner. Select video files from computer files. (takes time to upload) Rearrange, crop, and edit video clips. Add music, text, etc. Publish on YouTube. Extra Tutorial: and-add-video-annotations.html
YouTube Video Editing 2 No “vertical videos” (VVS) Cannot overlap audio and background music Use appropriate transitions
4 Daily Reflection Questions What have I done? Did we have problems? How did we solve them? What is our plan for tomorrow?
Homework | DAY 1 Bring cables and needed technology Finish video recording Finalize scripts
DAY 2 Thursday , June 19, 2014 Goals: To write, enrich, and edit script. Information > Text > Video (More about the town and where YOU spend your time.) To learn how to montage your video. 3. To finalize your video. (If not, finish after school.)
Weekly Schedule
4 Daily Reflection Questions What have I done? Did we have problems? How did we solve them? What is our plan for tomorrow?
Homework | DAY 2 Finish video Prepare for presentations
DAY 3 Wednesday, June 20, 2014 Goals: To make final video edits. To prepare your presentation. To formally present and give feedback on videos.
Weekly Schedule
Back-up ALL files Save all your files in 1 folder, and upload to the teacher’s USB drive. Label the folder with your assigned group number, and structure as the example below: GROUP 1 Final Video (unless your video is on YouTube) All files
Feedback forms
4 Daily Reflection Questions What have I done? Did we have problems? How did we solve them? What is our plan for tomorrow?
Homework | DAY 3 Record and photograph interesting parts of your life and town during the summer. (Vacations, family, friends, hobbies, etc.) HAVE A LOVELY SUMMER!