Homework due next Wednesday Read “Life under the Communists” from your WJEC textbook (page 94-95) Answer questions #1-3 on page 95.
Centralisation & Life under Communist Rule L/O How did centralisation increase under Lenin’s Leadership? What was life like under Communist Rule?
Centralisation What do you think Centralisation means? Task – 10 minutes Read through the handout (P95 of Russia in Transition) 1) Highlight why Lenin centralised each aspect of the Russian Economy. 2) Highlight how each aspect was changed.
Life under Communist Rule Key Words to use Civil Marriages Divorces Zhenotdel Alexandra Kollontai School Workers Pioneers & Komsomol Commissariat of Public Englightenment Proletkult Avant-Garde Socialist Realism Atheists Main Administration for the Affairs of Literature & Publishing Agitprop Proletkino Life under Communist Rule You are going to create an A3 visual and Keyword sheet to highlight how different sections of Russian society were affected by communist Rule. Use p96-100 Life under Communist Rule You need to include… - changes for women; - control over education, - Culture - Religion; - propaganda and censorship I want to see pictures, key words highlighted and details.
What was life like under Communist Rule - Self Assessment Task Term In your Work?(Y/N) Definition Civil Marriages Zhenotdel Alexandra Kollontai School Workers Pioneers & Komsomol Commissariat of Public Englightenment Proletkult Avant-Garde Socialist Realism Atheists Main Administration for the Affairs of Literature & Publishing Agitprop Proletkino