Ultimate Flying Disc 4:48 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhUays2ehyI
U. F. D. : Ultimate Flying Disc U.F.D.: Ultimate Flying Disc. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end zone. Players may not run with the disc, and must keep a pivot while holding the disc.
Thrower: Offensive player with the disc.
Pull: The disc is put into play by one team throwing off to the other team.
Stall Count: The defensive player counts to 10, 5 in physical education class, before the thrower must get rid of the disc.
Airbender An Airbender is an exceptionally good Handler capable of manipulating the Frisbee in ways never thought possible. They seem to complete every single pass with incredible accuracy and execution, no matter the situation. They are also a master of every single throw and typically know the game very well. “Airbender” is among one of the most prestigious nicknames to be called in Ultimate. There used to be countless Ultimate Frisbee Airbenders in existence but that all changed when the fire-nation attacked.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35lURrrEQrU (5:06) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35lURrrEQrU (5:06)
Bid When a player dives or jumps for the disc either on offense or defense. A bid is basically a player diving, falling intentionally, jumping, or any more-than-average attempt to catch the disc. Bidding is an essential part of Ultimate on both offense and defense.
Blade Pretty much a throw gone wrong which causes the disc to come down really fast and at a vertical-like angle. VERY hard to catch and can sometimes even warp the disc.
Callahan Essentially one of the greatest and prestigious plays in Ultimate. It is when you catch an opponent’s pass in his/her end zone resulting in a point for the catchers team. This rarely ever happens, ever.
Clear out This can mean two things Clear out This can mean two things. 1) Clear out can mean an area is getting too clustered with people and to throw the disc to openness and 2) If someone is Clogging The Lane they may be told to “clear out.”
Clogging the lane When being forced there is one side of the field being blocked and the other open. Clogging the lane means that a teammate is standing in the open area where other teammates are trying to get open.
Forcing You can force forehand, force backhand or force home/away Forcing You can force forehand, force backhand or force home/away. Forcing means to make the opposing thrower throw a certain way. For example to force backhand would mean to stand on their right side completely giving them the ability to backhand. But making it next to impossible to throw a Flick. You would have successfully forced them to throw a backhand which is huge when it comes to plays and strategy. Forcing flick would be stopping the opposing thrower from throwing a backhand. As you can see in the picture to the right the thrower is being forced to flick it. He has a wide open flick but it will be very challenging to backhand. The force is agreed upon and understood by the entire team before a play to maximize effectiveness. Please checkout Stack to learn more about why forcing is so important.
Pancake A type of catch where a player claps his/her hands on the top and bottom of the disc. This is the most secure way to catch but severely limits one’s reach.
Sky (Skied) When two opposing players jump up to try and catch the disc and one of those players jumps significantly higher than the other making the catch. One would say “Good catch man, you totally skied that player.”
Vertical Stack Offensive strategy where the offense lines up in a straight line along the length of the field. From this position, players in the stack make cuts (sudden sprints out of the stack) towards or away from the handler in an attempt to get open and receive the disc. The stack generally lines up in the middle of the field, thereby opening up two lanes along the sidelines for cuts.
Vertical Stack
UFD Websites http://www.wfdf.org/ http://www.usaultimate.org/index.html http://ultimatefrisbee.com/