Expanding Your Summer Program By Sarah Green
Common Problems 1. High cost for students 2. Finding students 3. Engaging students
Lowering Costs “Public funds are more likely to support afterschool than summer programming…Public policy that effectively supports the growing field of summer programming has yet to be developed” -Funding scarce and competitive -Summer Food Service Program -No Child Left Behind funded programs -Alternate field trips
Finding New Students -Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) -Listservs -Referral Credits -Nearby schools, day cares -Canvass the community
Developing Your Program Constantly reevaluate! Enrichment not remediation Comprehensive curriculum Don’t be over-ambitious, focus on themes/topics Integrate fun, informal learning lessons Parent involvement! Collaborate with home schools of students
Resources Harvard Family Research Project Studies: hrfp.org National Summer Learning Association: summerlearning.org Summer Food Service Program: summerfood.usda.gov