ПОЛНОЕ НАЗВАНИЕ ПРОЕКТА Сооружение ускорительного комплекса НИКА УСЛОВНОЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПРОЕКТА ИЛИ КОЛЛАБОРАЦИИ Нуклотрон-NICA ШИФР ТЕМЫ 02-0-1065-2007/2019 Развитие экспериментальной базы ОИЯИ для получения интенсивных пучков тяжелых ионов и поляризованных ядер с целью поиска смешанной фазы ядерной материи и исследования поляризационных эффектов в области энергий до √sNN= 11 ГэВ
Проект Nuclotron-NICA был начат 2011. Основными целями на первые 5 лет были заявлены: - создание инжекционной цепочки коллайдера; - существенное увеличение возможностей ускорительного комплекса для проведения экспериментов на фиксированных мишенях; - выполнение НИОКР по элементам и системам коллайдера; - определение оптимального места размещения коллайдера на площадке ЛФВЭ; - завершение технического проекта коллайдера; - необходимое развитие инфраструктуры. Развитие ускорительного комплекса осуществляется без прекращения его физической программы.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 9 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test was constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 9 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
Statistics of operation Run #47 02-03.2013 (860 h 70% beam time) Experiments “d” 4 GeV/u Last shift - acceleration and slow extraction d 4.5 GeV/u (~ 1.8 T) shortest beam spill 60ms at high intensity (KVINTA) Run #48 11-12.2013 (1050 h 73% beam time) Carbon ions were accelerated and extracted at energy 5.8 GeV/u, 1*109 Experiments “d” 5.2 GeV/u, 1.5*1010 (ALPOM2). Run #49 02-03.2014 (650 h 66% beam time) good beam spill at low intensity (STRELA) Double user mode (first run at Nuclotron). Run #50 05-06.2014 (650 h 31% beam time) Experiments “40Ar” 1.2 GeV/u, “7Li” 3 Gev/u, good beam spill at low intensity (NIS-GIBS, ALPOM2) Run #51 01-03.2015 (1150 h 70% beam time) Test of BM@N systems with deuteron and carbon beams Cooling ~ 120 h, preparation of all systems ~ 50 – 100 h
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
Energy range from 3 to 4.5 GeV/u (optimum ~ 3.5 GeV/u) During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Energy range from 3 to 4.5 GeV/u (optimum ~ 3.5 GeV/u) Operation scenario: Stacking with BB + Stoch. longitudinal cooling Bunching at h = 22 and Stoch. longitudinal cooling Parameters Bunch length is about 1.2 m (instead of 0.6 m) Momentum spread of 4.210-4 (instead of 1 10-3) Bunch intensity 5 108 (instead of 2 109) Test of MPD systems at L ~ 1-5 1025 cm2s1 Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
During the period 2011 – 2015 the following general results were obtained: Construction of new heavy ion source KRION-6Ts: the source tested at test bench and used in the Nuclotron run #50 for heavy ion acceleration, Construction of SPI completed: the source prepared for its work at Nuclotron; New RFQ section to replace the LU-20 HV fore-injector fabricated – commissioning started; Repair of the building for the HILac location was completed; Fabrication of the HILac completed and the equipment transferred to JINR; Test facility (1-st section) for SC magnet production and test constructed, Pre-serial magnets of the Booster were designed and tested, serial production started, RF accelerating system of the Booster constructed at BINP and tested at JINR, Construction of the Booster electron cooling system had been started at BINP, Technical design of almost all Booster systems had been completed, 10 runs (#42 - #51) of the Nuclotron operation provided: the complex ability for the current physical program was sufficiently improved, the design maximum beam energy achieved, Technical design of the collider progressed significantly, Technical design of the collider building prepared and approved by the State expertise, Construction works at the collider building area has been started, Elements of the collider stochastic cooling system successfully tested at the Nuclotron, Conceptual design of the electron cooling system (ECS) being carried out (“Recuperator”), Start-up configuration of the collider equipment determined, R&D works for collider elements required for the commissioning works has been started, The project of the VBLHEP liquid helium facility development prepared; its realization has been started.
На реализацию проекта запрашивалось 107.7 М$ M$ Истрачено 2015 г. Инжекционный комплекс 10,05 1,80 Бустер НИКА 7,9 5,70 Нуклотрон 4,07 0,40 Коллайдер 2,2 1,50 Криогенный комплекс 14,92 3,30 Научно-технологическая база сборки, испытаний, сертификации СП магнитов и склад 5,92 1,20 Инфраструктура комплекса НИКА (уск.комплекс) 8,15 0,7 В период 2011-2014 истрачено 53.21 М$ До конца 2015 планируется истратить 67.81 М$ (63%)
Project Nuclotron-NICA (2016-2020) Project Scientific Leader I. Meshkov Project Leader G. Trubnikov Project Deputy Leaders A. Butenko, H.Khodzhibagiyan, A. Sidorin, Объединённый Институт Ядерных Исследований: около 100 участников Л.В.Кравчук, А.С. Белов, А.В.Фещенко Институт Ядерных Исследований РАН, РФ А.Е.Большаков, Т.Кулевой, Г.Н.Кропачев, А.А.Голубев Институт Теоретической и Экспериментальной Физики, РФ С.Н. Андрианов, Д.А.Овсянников Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет С.М.Полозов Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ» Д.Тонев, Д.Динев, В.Ангелов, А.Ангелов Институт Ядерных Исследований и Ядерной Энергии БАН, Болгария О.К.Беляев, Ю.А.Буданов, И.А.Звонарев, Н.Е.Тюрин Институт Физики высоких Энергий, Протвино В.Арбузов, Ю.Бирючевский: С.Крутихин, Г.Куркин, Б.Персов, В.М.Петров, А.М.Пилан, Д.Шатилов, А.Требендис Иститут Ядерной Физики им. А.М.Будкера, СО РАН, Новосибирск Т.Розер, Н.Малицкий Брукхейвенская Национальная Лаборатория, США Г.Штокхорст, Р.Майер Институт Ядерной Физики, Национальный центр Юлих, Германия Л.Ондриш Институт Проблем Измерений, Братислава, Словакия
89.77 М$
Tentative schedule for NICA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 I II III IV I V Injection complex HI Source HI Linac Nuclotron development Booster BM@N I stage extracted channels MPD solenoid TPC, TOF, Ecal (barrel) Collider civil engineering MPD Hall Collider Cryogenic complex for Booster for Collider