EDCC-4 Welcome! Toulouse Fourth European Dependable Computing October 23-25, 2002 Fourth European Dependable Computing Conference EDCC-4
Many thanks to all the people that have contributed to the collective efforts required to organize the conference: Andrea Bondavalli, Program Chair Fabrizio Grandoni, Publication Chair Felicita Di Giandomenico, Fast Abstracts Chair Vincent Nicomette, Publicity Chair The 32 members of the Program Committee Jean-Claude Laprie, a sound and unique support all along the road And many other people…
Financial supporters… Their help is gratefully acknowledged
Thanks to all the participants and we hope you will enjoy the technical program, the SITEF exhibition, the Thursday evening at “Cité de l’Espace”, and Toulouse…
Jan Hlavicka Member of the Steering Committee of EDCC and the Chairman of EDCC-3 (Prague, Czech Republic) ˇ Jan was a gentleman and a scholar who will be sincerely missed by all who knew him.