Santa Susana High School Career Cluster Finder Santa Susana High School
Career Clusters Naviance breaks down jobs into 16 career clusters.
Exploring Career Clusters You can learn about different careers and clusters by navigating to the careers tab and then clicking on the link “explore careers & clusters.”
Career Details For each job, you can see an overview (including employment outlook), credentials needed, related careers, college majors, and a plan of study for classes in high school to prepare you for a career in this area.
Saving What You Find You need to save pathways and jobs that interest you to your Naviance profile by clicking on the “Add” button next to each one. You will revisit this information for future activities.
Cluster Finder You can find clusters of jobs that appeal to you by using the “Cluster Finder.” Choose the “Cluster Finder” from within the Careers tab.
Cluster Finder (cont.) Click “let’s begin” to start the cluster finder.
Cluster Finder Questions You will be asked to choose things that interest you or best describe you in the areas of activities, personal qualities, school subject.
Results Your results page will give you a list of career clusters ranked in order of which ones may suit you the most based on the answers that you to the questions. Add your top 3 clusters to your profile by hitting the “add” button.
Assignment Your assignment this week is to: Explore career clusters Complete the Career Cluster Finder Save 3 career clusters to your profile