Francesca Giofrè, Facoltà di Architettura, Dipartimento DATA Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research FACOLTÀ.


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Presentation transcript:

Francesca Giofrè, Facoltà di Architettura, Dipartimento DATA Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research FACOLTÀ DI ARCHITETTURA DIPARTIMENTO DESIGN TECNOLOGIA DELLARCHITETTURA TERRITORIO E AMBIENTE DATA Serbia – Italia Status and Perspectives of the Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation 26 giugno 2012

26/06/2012 Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research Francesca Giofrè KBC BEZANIJSAKA KOSA, BELGRADE social dimension of health every society on the basis of its culture has a different way of expressing the relationship between health - disease - social context

26/06/2012Francesca Giofrè Roma II level Master Architectures for health Venue: Rome (Italy) V edizioni (dal 2004, ultima 2011) Co-financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), General Direction for Development Cooperation and Sapienza Univerity of Rome Mozambico Egitto Tunisia Libia Algeria Libano Iraq Siria Giordania Kosovo Bosnia Macedonia Serbia Albania Nicaragua Guatemala Messico Bolivia Ecuador Perù Paraguay 95 architects and engineers : 49 women + 46 man Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research

26/06/2012Francesca Giofrè Roma 60 % works in the sector or have had some experiences Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research

26/06/2012Francesca Giofrè Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research

26/06/2012Francesca Giofrè Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research

26/06/2012 Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research Francesca Giofrè Venue: Serbia Partner: Univerisità di Belgrado Programme: Eramus Mundus Course : Health Spaces Title: design the open spaces of the Serbian Clinic Professors: R. Bozovic Stamenovic, Zoran Đukanović, F. Giofrè

26/06/2012Francesca Giofrè Future programme cooperation TEACHER TRAINING EXCHANGE STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS RESEARCH II LEVEL MASTER IN ARCHITECTURE FOR HEALTH Architecture for health: experiences, need and opportunities in education and research

Cooperation platforms are: Teaching / joint master course or professional specialist course/ of southeast Europe relevance, but also beyond

Cooperation platforms are: projects Research /joint research projects / This highly specialized topic actually is of interest for very diverse professionals, from public health planners and healthcare programmers, to medical doctors, architects, engineers of different profiles, environmentalists, social sciences disciplines (environmental psychologists, sociologists, economists, psychologists, etc. Florence, Florence,

Participation in publication boards and assessment processes, example: referee for research project proposals and results for: Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, Direzione Generale per il coordinamento e lo sviluppo della Ricerca, Ufficio V / Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research Cooperation platforms are: Research / Support with preparation + assessment and evaluation + publishing.

Cooperation platforms are: Joint Affiliation to international bodies: - GUPHA (Global University programs in healthcare architecture - UIA-PHG, International Union of Architects Public Health Group -Third part Universities and their resources / Texas A&M CHSD Center for Health Systems and Design; -NUS National University of Singapore -…………..etc.