February 27, 2017 Kenneth Klau Director, Office of Digital Learning TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School Student Demographics and Enrollment Trends, 2015-16 February 27, 2017 Kenneth Klau Director, Office of Digital Learning
Goal of this presentation Respond to the Board’s February 2016 request to further understand the demographics of students enrolled in public virtual schools* What is unique about the virtual school population? Why do families enroll their children in virtual schools? What is the mobility rate of the virtual schools? Why do families leave virtual schools? Within the broader context of the Commissioner’s recommendation to renew TECCA’s certificate for 5 years Based on a request originally made by the board 1 year ago when it voted, with reservations, to renew the certificate for GCVS for 3 years and maintain probation Using data collected by the Department as well as data provided by the school * Using 2015-16 data from the TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School (TECCA) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Virtual school students possess a collection of unique characteristics More likely to.. Have a history of low achievement Have repeated a grade Have a history of low attendance Have a history of being suspended from school Have a history of truancy More likely to be economically disadvantaged Fast-growing population of students with disabilities Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Most families enroll their children because of general dissatisfaction with their local public school, they seek more flexibility, or they seek greater involvement with their child’s learning Percent Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Virtual school students are highly mobile 43.9 % were enrolled all year 26.8% moved in during the year 29.2% moved out during the year 48.4% enrolled in-state public schools 23.5% unknown 9.3% enrolled in non-diploma programs 7.6% entered home schooling 6.8% moved out of state 4.2% other (private school, diploma program, job corps, graduated CMVS have the highest mobility rates of any school in the Commonwealth Low-income CMVS students are more likely to be mobile; the difference is statistically significant from non low-income CMVS students 530 remained enrolled all year 179 only enrolled in October 99 only enrolled between October and March 75 only enrolled in March 286 only enrolled between March and June 38 only enrolled in June Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Most families leave virtual schooling because they desired a more traditional setting or due to insufficient support at home Percent Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education