Shinika Cottingham Bell:2 3/12/12 Global Warming is Real Shinika Cottingham Bell:2 3/12/12
Facts about the Warming The rise is most noticeable at high latitudes. Canadian and Siberian villages that have for centuries rested on solid ground are now sinking into mud, because the permafrost beneath them is thawing.
Arctic sea ice is thinning drastically. Glaciers are melting away. Migrating animals head north earlier because spring temperatures are arriving weeks earlier in the year. Plants blossom earlier too
The climate-change doubters are especially hostile to the idea that human actions are causing global warming Our Earth goes through climate shifts over the course of time, but the greenhouse gases we humans are pouring into the atmosphere are accelerating a natural warming trend
global warming is real. It may be hardly noticeable to most of us, but the world's temperature is rising we should do all we could to move from fossil fuels to cleaner, less-damaging energy sources. Such a change would be good not only for our global climate, but it would be good for our economy and the world's political situation, as well.
Global warming is something that may have to get worse before it gets better This winter was too warm and we had no snow, that was a taste of this global warming so yes it is most likely to be real.