Who or What Owns the Character? Character Motivation Who or What Owns the Character?
Character Motivation… Describes an internal conflict or flaw found in a character. May be the chief obstacle in the character’s search for contentment, fulfillment, or even survival. Readers must consider what desires, dreams, wishes, person/people seem to own/possess the character. By identifying the character motivation we are able to better understand the story and its elements.
The Formula In the story ___name of story___ the (character, event, object, place or idea) owns ___the character___ because…
Example In the story Titanic, the desire for a better life owns Jack because this desire is what ultimately makes him get on the ship and pursue Rose. This example describes the character’s conflict and its related importance to the storyline.
Examples In the Harry Potter series, a sense of justice owns Harry because he searches out Lord Voldemort in order to avenge not only his parent’s death but, indirectly, that of Professor Dumbledore. In To Kill a Mockingbird, curiosity owns Scout because it is her curiosity that leads her to the trial of Tom Robinson, to search out Boo Radley, and ultimately learn the life lessons that shape her.
Activity Working with a partner… Read through your poetry packet. Find three poems to create character motivation statements. Think not just in terms of the “character” in the poem but about the speaker. Example: In the poem “How do I love thee”, unlimited love owns the speaker because…
Poem Suggestions “The Road Not Taken” “Theme for English B” “Mother to Son” “I, Too, Sing America” “A Life” “Still I Rise” “A Girl” “We Real Cool”