Dr. Seuss By Rose Reyes
Who is dr. Suess? Theodor Suess Geisel (1904-1991) Children’s book author/illustrator Published first cartoon in 1925 Last published book: “Oh the Places You’ll Go!”-1990
Original Sketch: The Cat in The Hat (1958)
Original Sketch: Green Eggs and Ham (1960)
Original Sketch:Dr. Suess ABC (1960)
The Lorax
Questions... What are things that you can observe from Dr. Suess’ characters? What kinds of different materials do you think Dr. Suess used for his artwork/illustrations? How do you think Dr. Suess was inspired for his books and drawings?
Dr. Suess and Us How can we use Dr. Suess in our own artwork? What kinds of characters can you create by using your imagination? Can we come up with a list of all these ideas for drawings?
Possiblities Dr. Suess creates his own characters. They each have their own stories and personalities. He uses bright colors. They show feeling/facial expressions.
Major Concepts Color Sketching/Doodles Space
Be Dr. Suess! Sketch a Dr. Suess character Doodle your own character. Final drawing: My own character Write your own story about the character.