Dr.Seuss Unit Plan By: Stacy Eakins The students will be introduced to the author, Dr. Seuss. We will have a discussion about what we already know about him. I will start KWL chart that will be completed throughout the week. We will mention all the books we know that Dr. Seuss wrote and I will provide several books that he wrote and show them to the students. I would then ask the students if Dr. Seuss was alive today what questions they would want to ask him.
Fun activities but learning at the same time A fish pond game will be played for the students to become more familiar with sight words and to learn new sight words. If the student gets the word incorrect then they are to throw it back in the pond for someone else to try. The students will be put into groups to create a story quilt. The quilt will consist of the students putting together pictures comparing with each individual pictures characteristics. The students will play a game of BINGO which consists of them knowing their contractions that were discussed from the book. The students must fill out their card correctly and cover the correct words when called. The student will be put into groups to make a parfait. They will be given directions on the smart board to see how well they can follow them. This is a reward for them finishing the assignment but still learning how to follow directions.
Technology in the classroom Students will have access to computers to find pictures to use for the photo story that will be put together. The photo story will be pictures, music and words the students pick. A smart board game will be played as part of a participation grade. Students will be put into groups to find the correct rhyming words. (-o sound-school, tool, pool) The students will have the opportunity to view a Dr. Seuss you tube video on the smart board. This will be a reward to finishing up their work but also shows the students how videos can be different from book. At the end of the week the students will do a student response system to tell me how much the students comprehended from the lesson and what needs to be worked on more.