Lesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade 1. documentation ( correct) 2. major documents 1) commercial invoice basis for other documents main contents conformity 2) packing list CF: specification list--- weight list/ note/ memo---
3) the bill of lading ----3 major functions: a cargo receipt a contract of carriage a document of title to the goods ----clean/ on board bill of lading (CFR/CIF) ----airway/railway bill 4) insurance policy/certificate ----main contents (esp. date) 5) various certificates
Lesson 14 International Transportation 1) definition ( movement, freight, passengers, location) 2) freight transportation 2. 5 major modes Water-rail- truck- pipeline- air 3. 3 types of carrier ownership Common carriers---contract carriers---private carriers
4. benefits that transportation has brought about 1) in the production process (2) 2) to the society 5. difference btw international / domestic transportation ----more documents 6. 4 factors changing transportation
Lesson 15 Insurance-1 1. definition of insurance ---a social device, transfer risk, payment ---insured; insurer 2. how insurance works? ---a risk transfer mechanism, shift, uncertainty ---a known premium 3. the common pool and the advantages enterprises can gain from it.
4. insurance for overseas trade 1) necessity ( bridging the geographical & time gaps) 2) cargo insurance ----fire, marine, life, accident ----importance
Lesson 16 Insurance-2 1. 3 main principles of insurance ---insurable interest ( time of an event) ---utmost good faith (fraud, voidable) ---indemnity (restore; inapplicable to life/ personal accident insurance) 2. 2 sub-principles of insurance ---contribution ( double insurance and compensation claim are not allowed) ---subrogation 3. the doctrine of proximate cause ---the direct cause of the loss
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