L.O. To use a comma correctly in a list To write a detailed and interesting description Challenge – To use a comma correctly to separate clauses When should we use a comma? What happens if we don’t use a comma correctly?
L.O. To use a comma correctly in a list To write a detailed and interesting description Challenge – To use a comma correctly to separate clauses The child was so hungry she ate a sandwich a bag of crisps an apple and a piece of cake. The dog ran home with his ball stick and lead. After dinner please take your bag shoes uniform and coat upstairs. Today has been a long tiring busy and boring day. The cat looked at his owner rolled his eyes and looked the other way. Miss Toye ate three rice cakes a sandwich and a bar of galaxy today. Now write three of your own sentences using a comma correctly in a list.
L.O. To use a comma correctly in a list To write a detailed and interesting description Challenge – To use a comma correctly to separate clauses After some time the girl went home. The dog who was 7 was feeling very playful. The elephant walked to the pool because it was so hot. If we listen carefully Miss Toye will tell us what to do. Whilst the children played their mum tidied their rooms. Suddenly the door opened whilst the cat glared.
L.O. To use a comma correctly in a list To write a detailed and interesting description Challenge – To use a comma correctly to separate clauses Introduce your superhero and hidden identity. Describe where he/she comes from and where he/she lives now. Describe his/her family and friends Describe how he/she became a superhero Describe his/her gadgets and special skills Describe his/her flaws, weaknesses and enemies. Describe what he/she has achieved as a superhero and villains he/she has defeated. Describe his/her aims in life.