Barnet College Adele Cushing/Philippa O’Brien L. I. P. S. T. I. C Barnet College Adele Cushing/Philippa O’Brien L.I.P.S.T.I.C.K – Learning Improved by Personalisation -Skills, Technology, Information, Communication and Knowledge
Barnet College Diploma Level 2 Beauty Therapy (make up pathway) Issue: 2009-10 Retention was 69% which was 15% below the national benchmark. Students stated this was due to a lack of motivation in the course and they felt they weren’t progressing with make up skills. Action: plan how to regularly build a learner e-portfolio, reflect on skills, see progress and achievement and be motivated to learn and achieve.
Barnet College: Mobile devices All Beauty students and lecturers had BlackBerrys or were provided these by the college. Lecturers lead students to encourage personalised learning through BlackBerrys in tutorials and lessons. All students studying Diploma Level 2 Make Up use BlackBerrys to capture evidence of practical work. Students also use devices to keep record of work from outside college. Excellent support from external mentor enabling further ICT skills development. All students transferred images to e-portfolio (Mahara) to keep online record of work and participate in peer assessment. Students prepared for an e-portfolio Showcase in February. Purchasing iPads and video cameras with Capital spend to complement use of mobile technology in Salons and create own resources.
Barnet College: Key Benefits and Impact All students were included Lecturers were enthusiastic at leading the project Students worked in a way familiar to them, using tools readily available to them Engaged students in learning and improving their skills Staff technology training and development has been achieved. New or different skills have been learnt. This will be cascaded onto the rest of the Creative Industries team so more staff will use Mahara and mobile technology next year. The Showcase provided an excellent incentive for students to work towards and to receive acknowledgment and praise. Extending face to face peer feedback via Mahara blogs
Barnet College Students wanted to use Facebook as it was familiar to them and easier to upload their photos directly. However, not all students are on Facebook, limiting the constructive nature of peer to peer feedback and causing unnecessary issues with privacy settings. Facebook is personal to the student so we would have no right to dictate their privacy settings. An open Facebook however may have safeguarding implications and intellectual property issues as students from other colleges could download someone else's work. Mahara was therefore used only and by all students.
Barnet College: Review The project has motivated students to review their own and peers make up skills. It has enabled them to self reflect on their work and improve further. Also provided peer evaluation. Students have stated they are proud of their e-portfolio and their make up success. It encouraged both tutor groups to work together as one course. Retention has improved from 69% to 80% in 2010-11. Their e-portfolios will be exported from the college when the course ends for Employers to view. Or students will add to their e-portfolio when they transfer to the level 3 make up course next academic year and continue with these ICT skills.