Political Crime
Defining Political Crime Barkan, “...any illegal or socially injurious act aimed at preserving or changing the existing political and social order”’ Crimes of the Government Crimes against the Government
Crimes by the Government Genocide Nazis Cambodia (Khmer Rouge/Pol Pot, 1970s) Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992) Torture/Assassination Widespread, but short of genocide (Russia Under Stalin) In United States?
Crimes By Government II Surveillance/Infiltration COINTELPRO (1950s-1970s) The “Patriot Act” (October, 2001) Legal Repression Show trials, Imprisoning dissidents U.S.? Labor Radicals The Palmer Raids Communists (McCarthy)
Crimes by Government III Illegal Experiments Tuskegee experiment Nazi experiments State-Corporate Crime Challenger explosion Political Corruption Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-Contra…
Crimes Against the Government Mass Political Violence Rebellion & Riots Political Assassinations
Crimes Against the Government II Civil Disobedience Direct vs. Indirect Socrates, St. Thomas Aquinas, U.S. Quakers, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” Current U.S.? Espionage/Treason
Terrorism—A Typology Vigilante Terrorism Insurgent Terrorism Transnational Terrorism State Terrorism How to Combat Terrorism?
Explaining Political Crime Political Crime as heterogeneous Much P.C. revolves around Power Totalitarian vs. Democratic governments