RA-II/Doc 4.1.1 Implementation of the WMO DRR Roadmap in RA II including major activities on DRR Services Alasdair Hainsworth, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction Division
Sendai Framework provisions especially relevant to WMO Call of States to enhance and strengthen MHEWS (par 14, 25), develop and invest in regional multi-hazard early warning mechanisms (par 34-c), and achieve the global target for MHEWS (par 18-g). Calls for support to strengthen and implement global mechanisms on hydrometeorological issues, in order to raise awareness and improve understanding of water-related disaster risks (par 43-e) Importance of international cooperation for DRR (par 39), and requests enhanced coordination of DRR strategies of UN and international and regional organizations and institutions (par 48-a). To promote real time access to reliable data, make use of space and in situ and information, including geographic information systems (GIS) ; and use information and communications technology innovations to enhance measurement tools and the collection, analysis and dissemination of data
A call for a WMO DRR Roadmap EC-66 requested the Secretary-General, “in consultation with Members, to urgently develop a WMO DRR roadmap of prioritized and realistically achievable activities and deliverables that are consistent with the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans, as well as the work plans for relevant WMO programmes and projects” Provides a long-term framework (incl. shorter term work plans) that will guide WMO activities in support of all components of DRM as well as their further enhancement and coordination across WMO constituent bodies, programmes and partners through a WMO-wide plan of action for DRR consistent with other plans and frameworks; References developments in capability such as impact-based forecasting and risk-informed warnings of multiple hazards; Identifies opportunities (tactical & strategic) to enhance the role of hydrometeorology (incl. NMHSs & WMO) in national, global & regional DRR fora; Articulates how NMHSs can contribute to DRR and to increasing the resilience of communities, nations, regions, and globally.
Structure of the current draft DRR Roadmap http://www. wmo Strategic part Executive Summary Preamble (EC/Cg requests, initial consultations, nature of the document, other background information) Introduction (rationale, concepts, vision, objectives, structure of the document) Benefits of the Roadmap to Members (social, economic, environmental, coordination) Identification and design of priority activities (thematic areas and activity pillars aligned with the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery, key internal and external linkages, future consultations and regular updates) Activities (per thematic area aligned with the Sendai Framework and per pillar, incl. baseline establishment and prioritization) Implementation framework and approach (governance and user-interface mechanisms, roles and responsibilities, implementing partners, timeline, resources, communication, monitoring and evaluation, etc.) Concluding remarks Annexes (Cg/EC references, acronyms, definitions, linkages, etc.) Implementation Plan (to be continuously updated) Starting point: DRR Work Plan (2016-2017) Decisions and requests by Cg and EC
Roadmap Implementation Plan RA Agrees to: Support RA II Members in their efforts to implement Sendai Framework into RA II Regional Work Plan; Provide input into the WMO DRR Roadmap Implementation Plan in terms of concrete projects and activities in RA II and related to DRR; Engage in regional DRR-related platforms, networks and partnerships (such as IN-MHEWS) and collaborate and coordinate with the regional bodies of other international organizations (such as UNISDR and ESCAP) as well as regional organizations (such as RIMES, ASEAN, ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones) on DRR matters in particular, to take on a leading role in the fields of MHEWS and in identifying/cataloguing extreme weather, water and climate events and their impacts in cooperation with all activities of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Better collaborate with the GFCS’s implementation mechanisms in the planning and provision of technical advice and coordination support for DRR measures in selected countries
Merci - Thanks! Alasdair Hainsworth C/DRR WMO