NSERC Award/ Lab Research Position Info-session
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NSERC Awards Work in industry Work in a university- setting 2 Types: Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Award (IUSRA) Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Work in industry Supervision of a full-time staff member Work in a university- setting Supervision of a faculty member with an active NSERC award Attain research work experience in a non-university setting while receiving financial support through the host organization Considered employee of organization during that time Eligibility, award duration and compensation similar to USRA award Except the minimum number of weeks is 12
Eligibility To apply for an award: To hold an award: Canadian citizen/permanent resident when apply Registered in a bachelor’s degree Minimum cumulative average of 75% To hold an award: Completed 1-year of study Registered full-time in the term before the award NOT have started a graduate program in these fields Be engaged throughout the tenure of the award not professional undergraduate degree 75% = B or B- You can even apply for it at another university other than Western– but be mindful that each university sets its own deadlines
Award Duration and Compensation 16 consecutive weeks Full-time basis with start/end dates determined by you and your supervisor Award is a value of $4500 provided by NSERC Rest (at least 25%) supplemented by host university Total = $5600 + No reimbursement will be given for part-time work or vacation time
Finding a Supervisor Must hold an active NSERC grant List of eligible Biology supervisors found online Must notify Stefani Tichbourne when supervisor is found; Email: stich@uwo.ca List of eligible Medical Science supervisors can be obtained by Joan Estabrooks in MSB 138 Email: joan.estabrooks@schulich.uwo.ca Full supervisor criteria is available on the NSERC/USRA site Other faculties: Ivey Business School: Carly Vanderheyden (cvanderheyden@ivey.ca) Faculty of Health Sciences: Gord MacDonald (gmacdon5@uwo.ca) Faculty of Social Sciences: Geography - Lelanya Milley (lperrym@uwo.ca) Psychology - Professor Scott MacDougall-Shackleton (smacdou2@uwo.ca) Faculty of Science: Pam Brown (pjbrown@uwo.ca) Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry: Stacey Bastien (stacey.bastien@schulich.uwo.ca) Faculty of Engineering: Whitney Barrett (whitney.barrett@uwo.ca) A list of eligible faculty members within the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will be available from Stacey Bastien at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Research Office, Clinical Skills Building, Room 2720, or Joan Estabrooks, at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Basic Medical Sciences Undergraduate Education Office, Medical Sciences Building, Room 138 on or after November 13, 2017. List will not be available online.
USRA Application Process Form 202 -Part I (student) Registration with NSERC online system Submit unofficial Western Transcript Reference number received must be given to Proposed Supervisor Form 202 - Part II (proposed supervisor) Brief project proposal in which the student role is clearly specified
IUSRA - Application Process Form 202 - Part I (Student) Complete form Send Reference Number generated to the host organization Upload your official transcript Form 202 - Part II (Organization) Organization will complete form using Reference Number given
Application Package Form 202: Part I and II Access to Academic Records 2017 Student Statement Form 2017 Resume (1-2 pages)
Student Statement Form Posted on the Western Biology and Schulich’s Department websites Applications now include a written statement (250 words max) Importance of this award to the student Include a brief project proposal in which the student role is clearly specified Relevant work or volunteer experience Research interests, etc. What is the purpose of this form? In previous years award recipient selection has been entirely dependent on marks Have found that too few USRA recipients are going on to pursue graduate studies
To be Submitted Faculty Location Date Biology NCB 301D to Stefani Tichbourne Monday, January 9th, 2017 (last year’s date) Medical Sciences Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Clinical Skills Building, 2720 Monday, January 22nd, 2018 Can apply to other universities, besides Western General USRA deadline for Western is January 29, 2017 (last year’s date) Stefani in the biology department won’t get info about NSERC until around November, so best to check back then to confirm deadlines for this year. Traditionally it will be first week of January after winter break Med Sci: https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/research/student_trainee_programs/student/undergraduate_student.html Bio: https://www.uwo.ca/biology/undergraduate/awards_and_research.html Under research opportunities.
Publish with WURJHNS Student Run, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Run by Western Students for Western undergraduate students to publish their research Reviewed by trained students and FACULTY members Articles and submission types are all found on the WURJHNS website
Questions ?? Want a copy of this presentation? BUGS website: www.westernbugs.com WURJ website: http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wurjhns/ Remember that all information can be found on the NSERC website