English Government Influence on American Colonial Governments: Charter, Royal, and Proprietary Colonies
English Government Model Parliament – makes laws English Monarchy (monarch = king) House of Lords (Upper House) House of Commons (Lower House)
Three Types of Colonial Government All colonies developed local governments to make laws for their colony. Each colony had an assembly of representatives who made laws, aka a legislature. Some had 1 house – often called the Assembly. Some had 2 houses – the Assembly (lower house) and a Council (much smaller upper house) Each colony had a governor. The difference lay in how each of the members of those colonial governments were chosen.
Charter Colonies Created by a charter from the King Legislature Assembly/Lower House- Elected Council/Upper House- elected Governor – elected by people Created by a charter from the King Governor – elected by the people of the colony Council/Upper house – elected by the people Assembly/Lower house – elected by the people
Charter Colony Governor ELECTED Legislature Upper House Lower House
Proprietary Colonies Owned by a proprietor (owner) Legislature Assembly/Lower House- Elected Council/Upper House- chosen by Proprietor Governor – appointed by Proprietor Owned by a proprietor (owner) Governor – appointed (chosen without election) by the Proprietor, often with the power of absolute veto over laws made by the Assembly Council/Upper house – chosen by the proprietor Assembly/Lower house – elected by the people
Proprietary Colony Governor APPOINTED Legislature Upper House Lower House ELECTED
Royal Colonies Legislature Assembly/Lower House- Elected Council/Upper House- chosen by King or Governor Governor – appointed by King Under the direct control of the king (some were charter colonies whose original charters were revoked by the king like Virginia and Massachusetts) Governor – appointed (chosen without election) by the King, with the power of absolute veto over laws made by the Assembly Council/Upper house – appointed by the King or his appointed governor Assembly/Lower house – elected by the people
Royal Colony Governor APPOINTED Legislature Upper House Lower House ELECTED