Smartpen Advanced Training
Your Presenter: Holly De Leon, VP K12 Division My contact information: 512-924-8550 cell 512-916-9801 office Background: Speech/Language Pathology; Special Education Developed K12 Divisions for LeapFrog, American Reading Company, Sed de Saber, Livescribe
Review Expand Agenda Overview of Smartpen and Dot Paper Module 1: Record and Playback Module 2: Save and Search Module 3: Send and Share Module 4: Customize and Expand Module 5: Plan for Use Review Expand
Was Made Available to EVERY Student What Would Happen If… EVERY Teacher & EVERY Lesson Was Made Available to EVERY Student EVERYDAY Any where learning = Any time, Pencasting
Our Objective in Education We can impact this part Time Spent Learning Degree of Learning = Time Needed to Learn
Let’s Let the Educators & Students Tell the Story Sue Glascoe – Math Educator Anna Farha, dyslexic student in Janice Crowley’s AP Chemistry class
Livescribe Platform - Review
Step 1: Talk & Write/Draw Step 2: Connect smartpen to computer
Audio Controls Nav Plus Record-Pause-Stop Jump Forward/Back Bookmark Position Bar Playback Speed Volume
Math/Science Think Aloud – capture logic and reasoning process Create Electronic Student Portfolios – Fast and Easy Way to Capture Student Progress Over Time Reading Sample Math/Science Think Aloud – capture logic and reasoning process Oral Reports Debate Presentations Persuasive Speaking 10 10
Step 3: Share Pencasts Step 4: Customize Smartpen
Livescribe is changing the way educators think about sharing lessons… by improving the capture, access and sharing of written and spoken information 12
Livescribe Connect available to all customers 2GB Echo & Pulse Free Upgrade to Connect Basic 4GB & 8GB Echo Free Upgrade to Connect Premium SRP $14.95 Available at launch in over 50 countries Upgrade Pack to Connect Premium 13 13
Livescribe Connect Simplify communication and collaboration within your existing workflow send Send notes and recorded audio as an interactive pencast to the people and online applications of your choice - all from paper Connect your pencasts to your personal cloud for access any time, from anywhere Integrate your pencasts with the apps you use every day, including email, Google™ Docs, Facebook, Evernote® and access from your mobile devices 14 14
Introducing Pencast PDF… Click on Green ink to hear audio and view the Pencast PDF An interactive digital version of your notes and audio in a convenient, easily shareable Adobe PDF format that is used by over 700 million people today. Accessible to anyone with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader® 10 or above. Easily create from paper by simply drawing a Launch Line and writing where you want to send the PDF (e.g., Computer, Evernote, Google Docs) Integrated SendNow services from Adobe for securely sending large pencasts. Save the attached audio file as an M4A file to also listen to recordings within iTunes and other players. Audio control bar 15
Effective strategies for enhancing pencasts Pencasting 101 Effective strategies for enhancing pencasts
What Is a Pencast? An interactive, digital version of your lessons and audio. Pencasts allow you to hear, see and relive lessons exactly as they were delivered. Use Livescribe Connect to easily send pencasts to people or destinations of your choice. All from your paper or Livescribe Desktop.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Create a Pencast CREATE your pencast with your smartpen and dot paper Step 2 TRANSFER your pencast to Livescribe Desktop with USB cable Step 3 UPLOAD your pencast to Livescribe Online and SHARE it with others 19 19
Let’s Try It! Create a pencast describing the four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly Egg Caterpillar Chrysalis Butterfly 20
Now Let’s Make It Better 21
Practice… and learn from others Tip 1 Practice… and learn from others 22
View Other Pencasts Online Julie McLeod, Roundtree ES, 6th Grade Math Sue Glascoe’s Downloadable Pencasts Mr. Forester 7th Grade Math Math 247 Making Math Meaningful Kathleen Post, Trigonometry Mrs. Valente Homework Help Pencasts for AP Physics UALR Chem 1300 Preparatory Chemistry Resource Site City of Sacramento Town Hall Meetings Don’t forget to check out and click on the Pencasts Tab 23
Tip 2 Work from a script 24
Let’s Try Tip 2 – Use a Script EGG: A butterfly begins its life as an egg. When a butterfly egg hatches, the young looks very different from the adult. It looks like a very small worm with short legs. It is called a caterpillar or larva. CATERPILLAR: The larva does nothing but eat. It grows bigger and bigger until it is full size. Then it enters the third stage called the chrysalis. CHRYSALIS: A caterpillar spins a silk covering around itself for protection during the chrysalis stage. Great changes take place during this stage as the caterpillar becomes an adult butterfly. BUTTERFLY: A butterfly has four large wings and six long legs. The caterpillar has strong jaws for chewing leaves, but the adult butterfly has mouth parts that coil up under its head like a spring. 25
Pre-draw the bulk of your diagram Tip 3 Pre-draw the bulk of your diagram 26
Let’s Try Tip 3 Pre-draw diagram Label stages while reading script or draw callouts on pre-drawn labels 27
Pre-draw elements as templates Tip 4 Pre-draw elements as templates View George Washington pencast 28
Provide visual clues every 5-7 seconds Tip 5 Provide visual clues every 5-7 seconds View Basic Functions pencast 29
Provide obvious index points for navigation Tip 6 Provide obvious index points for navigation Ask yourself these questions: Is the start point clear? Do main ideas stand out? Try using outlines, bullets, stars or checkmarks 30
Keep it short – commercials not movies Tip 7 Keep it short – commercials not movies 31
Solicit feedback from your audience Tip 8 Solicit feedback from your audience 32
Pencasting Tips and Tricks Practice – consider your first few pencasts “experiments” Plan a script – what will the end user hope to gain from your pencast? Pre-draw the bulk of the diagram Pre-draw complex elements to serve as templates – smartpen turned off Provide visual cues every few seconds – keep their attention focused Provide obvious index points – make the mark first, then begin speaking Keep it short – easier to keep attention in short pencasts Get feedback from your audience – yes your students 33
My Livescribe on the Apple iPad, iPhone, iTouch Do More With the Information You Capture View and download your pencasts from your Livescribe Online account Play pencasts on an iPhone, iPad, or iTouch Share pencasts with others Native, high-resolution iPad support 34 34
PENCAST POWER – What Can Be Accomplished With A Single Pencast? Lesson Archive Create custom folders for all lessons by date, by standard Lesson Delivery Record in class using doc cam Pre-record – deliver as a pencast Student Review Send to classroom computer for student review of lesson Parent Pencasts Send to parents so they know how lesson was delivered in class Share With Students >Absent >Hospital/homebound >Alternative Schools Collaborate With Colleagues Create “Promising Practices” portal New Teacher mentoring Embedded Staff Development
Pencasts – Go Beyond Classroom Walls Bio Reactor Phase of Moon * Click image to launch pencast. Make-up Spelling Test 6th Grade Math Masters Specific Heat Tutorial 36 36
Student Pencasts Telling a story with pictures Sequencing Oral language practice Incorporate art into lessons Create a comic strip with different character voices Recall steps in a science experiment Check for reading comprehension 37
Describing SpaceX propulsion with a Pencast Interview of Tom Mueller for Popular Mechanics SpaceX propulsion chief Tom Mueller uses a pencast to explain the Merlin Engine * Click image to launch pencast.
Seamless Integration of Technology in the Classroom Appendix Audio Study Guides Making content accessible to ALL students needing additional reinforcement
Content Can Be Printed on Dot-Paper Create Audio Study Guide Dot paper in print tray Print content on paper Record audio Tap –record- Speak as you are making audio dot Tap –stop-
Audio Dots Can Be Attached to ANY Surface Interactive Maps Audio-enabled Books Child-to-Child Program Celebrity Reader Program Talking Word Wall
What Can You Do With a Dot? Reluctant Reader Project Child-To-Child Program Interactive Posters Learning Center Directions Audio-activated Flashcards Bilingual cards Grandparent Reader Project
Interactive Word Wall Steps to Create an Interactive Word Wall Write key word on an index card. Depending on skill level of students, you may also want to add a picture or a definition on the card Record the word and/or definition on your smartpen Use dot-paper notebook and smartpen Tap Record. You should see REC in the pen window. Make a small circle on the dot paper while speaking the word or definition Tap Stop Cut out dot paper audio dot (at least ½”X ½”) and affix to index card Student taps paper with pen to hear the word and description being read 43 43
ESL Flip Cards Steps to create ESL flip cards Use laminated vocabulary cards with words printed in English and Spanish Record the word and/or phrase on your smartpen Use dot-paper notebook and smartpen Tap Record. You should see REC in the pen window. Make a small circle on the dot paper while speaking the word or definition Tap Stop Cut out dot paper audio dot (at least ½”X ½”) and affix to vocabulary card Student taps the audio dot to hear the English/Spanish model and practices the English phrase aloud 44 44
Audio-Activated Books Steps to create audio activated books Determine the book to be read. Open to first page of text. Record the text from the first page on your smartpen Use dot-paper notebook and smartpen Tap Record. You should see REC in the pen window. Make a small circle on the dot paper while reading the text with expression Tap Stop Cut out dot paper audio dot (at least ½”X ½”) and affix to page 1 Continue to record all the pages of the book Student taps audio dot with pen to hear the story being read
Seamless Integration of Technology in the Classroom Appendix Administrative Uses Consultation Evaluation Productivity
Fluency/Running Records
In-Class Observations of Students or Teachers Capture audio linked with observational notations
In-Class Observations of Students or Teachers Code Category Description ? Knowledge-level question Requires a right answer or simple recall of facts; includes review questions (circle) Higher cognitive question Requires students to think, apply, interpret, analyze, synthesize, create, or evaluate (slashed) Checks for understanding Requires students to show understanding of content or procedures; call for summarizing, explaining, comparing + Praise or acknowledgement Students’ academic responses, actions, or products are praised or acknowledged C Correction Students’ academic responses are wrong or incomplete, and teacher corrects them G Guided correction Students’ academic responses are wrong or incomplete, and teacher guides, probes, restates (check mark) Social comments Teacher makes a social comment to a student. Even if stated as a question, a social comment is coded – Reprimand Teacher reprimands behavior • Student initiates Student initiates remarks or questions to the teacher. Be sure to code the teacher’s response if there is one (Stallings, Needles, & Sparks, 1987)
Ideas Supplied From Educators Around the World Audio Study Guide Think-Aloud Math Problems - / Students use the Pulse pen and notebook to work their math problems as they describe verbally the math process they are using. The teacher is able to listen to the child’s process to determine any gaps in the student’s understanding of the math concept. Dynamic Dictionary – (from Eric Martini, Runanga School, New Zealand) Students write unfamiliar words in their “Dictionary” and then research to find its meaning. To reinforce their learning, they write keywords or draw some visual cues, and then use the smartpen to record audio of their understanding and meaning of the word, how it is used, and tips on pronunciation for difficult words. Students then review and self assess. Chemistry Pencasts for Student Review Dr. Daniel Stasko, a Natural & Applied Sciences Professor at the University of Southern Maine, Lewiston-Auburn College, has been capturing chemistry lectures using a Livescribe Pulse Smartpen for over a year now and sharing them as pencasts with his students.
Student Use Teacher In My Pocket Think-Alouds Oral Practice (debate, plays) Oral Reports 51 51 51 51
Notetaking is Important In-class notetaking is pervasive – 99% of college students take notes (Palmatier & Bennett, 1974) • Notetaking is more predictive of class performance than class attendance or critical thinking (Worth, 2000) • The primary benefit of notetaking comes from the review of notes – There was no difference in performance between students who took notes but did not review them and students who neither took nor reviewed notes (Hartley, 1983; Kiewra, 1985 & 1989) Unfortunately, conventional notetaking practice produces notes that are incomplete and ineffectively organized (Bretzin & Kulhavy, 1981; Kiewra & Benton, 1988)
Notetaking is Difficult Piolat, A., Olive, T, & Kellogg, R. T. (2005). Cognitive effort during note taking. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, 291-312.
Solution: Teacher in My Pocket Access to classroom instruction any time, any place, as many repetitions as needed Allows student to listen in class rather than frantically trying to capture every word in lesson – Teacher speaks at 150 words/min, we write at 40 words/min Levels the playing field Each student can process the information and take notes in their own way
Thanks! Check out: Important Numbers to Note: K-12 Education Support Line – Brian Kaliher, Lead 1-510-553-4991 Thanks! Check out: Holly De Leon Vice President, K-12 Division 510-777-0071 X 1348 55 55