Reflecting – Connecting – Communicating


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Presentation transcript:

Reflecting – Connecting – Communicating Sampling of Responses From Small Group Sessions Councillor Conference October 29-31, 2015

Councillor Conference Agenda Three broad themes were the focus of Councillor Conference: Advocacy Policy Renewal Governance Renewal with a focus on teacher regulation The STF 2015-20 Strategic Plan was also reviewed.

Reflections – Advocacy Keynote Address by Dr. Joel Westheimer Quotes and comments: “Trouble the comfortable and ask critical questions” “What kind of system and citizens do we want to create?” Reaffirm teachers as professionals Work on how we articulate the profession “Change doesn’t come without dissent – it’s uncomfortable” “Teaching is truly a noble profession” Teachers need to sway public opinion to think more positively about teachers Privatization of public education is a concern The advocacy portion of Council was divided into two main sections that were highly integrated throughout the day. Our Keynote, Dr. Joel Westheimer was highly engaging in the plenary dealing with standards and accountability and the impact on teacher professionalism. He emphasized the need to begin to challenge the current narrative. *Reference the material from Council as well.*

Reflections – Dialogue Opportunity Advocacy luncheon hosted 14 MLA’s and 11 partners from the educational community. Councillors had an opportunity to meet and dialogue with political and other educational leaders at an advocacy luncheon. Using Dr. Weistheimer presentation, teachers commitments of inclusion and equity, respectful relationships, professional responsibility, and professional stewardship, councillors engaged in table discussions with their guest about the shared responsibility of maintaining a strong publicly funded public education system. *Share some of your own table discussions.*

Reflections – Policy Renewal Three draft policies brought to Councillor Conference: Intensive Supports Teacher Recognition and Awards Substitute Teachers These policies reflect the work of teacher working committees created by the STF executive. They were discussed in table groups by the councillors, feedback is provided and will be incorporated before final approval at Annual Meeting of Council in April 2016. *At some time this year, you will want to share these with the members of your local for discussion purposes.*

Governance Renewal The focus of governance renewal was on: Teacher regulation Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board (SPTRB) Consequential amendments required to STF bylaws With the formation of the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board (SPTRB) several amendments to other legislation is required. Legislative changes have been made to the Teachers’ Federation Act which in turn require changes be made to our bylaws. Councillors reviewed and provided feedback on two draft bylaws and one policy related to professional committees.

Open Forum New to Councillor Conference this year was an open forum chaired by the President Hour-long forum provided an opportunity for councillors to ask questions of and provide comments to the STF Executive on a broad range of topics

2015-20 STF Strategic Plan Our Vision: A strong collective professional voice for Saskatchewan teachers and quality publicly funded public education for the benefit of all students and society Our Mission: Inspiring and supporting teaching and learning excellence in public education Our Values: We are caring We are welcoming We are respectful We are learners We are teachers We are professionals The 2015-20 STF Strategic Plan approved by the STF Executive in June 2015 was discussed. The small group session allowed an opportunity for dialogue about the Vision, Mission and Values of the Federation. The Strategic Plan will guide the activities of the organization over the next five years. *Reference your strategic plan document.*

2015-20 STF Strategic Plan, continued A sampling of the comments from councillors included: Our plan can be used to influence and possibly change the narrative It can provide opportunities to collaborate with stakeholders It provides common language to help navigate a path/ conversations/ideals Alternative discourse to influence Appreciate the commitments, vision, mission Are we committed to something we cannot attain? Teachers need to see themselves in the plan STF 2015-20 Strategic Plan is a welcoming document These are direct quotes from the flipcharts collected in the small group session.

Other Comments From Small Groups Need to clarify what it really takes for quality public education Ongoing public presence is important Importance of the teacher-student relationship is a cornerstone to student learning Importance of being unified – but we don’t all necessarily want and need the same thing As a collective we need to speak up and state what we believe – consistent, clear message Use these comments to seed discussion within your local.

Other Comments From Small Groups, continued What supports do administrators need to support/guide the strategic plan? We need to take pride in saying, “We are professionals!” Focus on social justice, inclusion and equity “Our STF” – these are our beliefs, our messages and our organization

Role of Local Associations A sampling of the comments from councillors included: Local associations have a key role in advocacy A local is using the strategic plan language in their local ads The local strategic plan should align with the Federation’s strategic plan

Take-Away Messages Councillors were asked to consider: What key messages are important to share with members of your local association? What supports are needed in order to communicate those messages? This slide can be used to launch further discussion within your local regarding communications and supports.